Hi there, I've got a 8GB SSD in a netbook and followed the installation located at: http://hwarf.com/2009/01/26/aspire-one-fedora-10/ SSD Optimization Perform the following if you池e using an SSD. If you池e using a hard drive you can skip this section. Create Ramdisks to Store Frequently Written Areas 1. Edit your /etc/fstab file. Add the following lines. tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults 0 0 tmpfs /tmp
I posted this on a Gnome forum, but got no response so I'm trying here.... I am trying to make a script that downloads a picture (my daughter's baby pictures, actually) at random from a web site and sets it as my gnome desktop background. I've seen multiple people suggest gconftool-2 --type=string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename $FILENAME to change the wallpaper, so I made a nice
rpm -qa *\nvidia\* *\kernel\*|sort;uname -r;lsmod |grep -e nvidia -e nouveau;cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf __________________________________________________ _____________________________________ F16 Howto for the rpmfusion nvidia drivers Click here for supported Nvidia cards list This is a Four-Step Process. If you don't follow all three steps, your install will fail! 1. Update the kernel and reboot
EDIT: Added January 5, 2012 Howto for F16 & F19 (there is no catalyst driver from rpmfusion repository for F20 and higher) Click this link to make sure your card is supported by this driver (All ATI cards below the HD series are unsupported, in F17 all HD4xxx and below are unsupported) 0. Clean: IF you previously installed this driver using the binary package provided by AMD-ATI, you must un-insta