Abstract types in Haxe are a powerful mechanism providing means of abstraction with no run-time overhead Article by Dan Korostelev on 2017-03-12. Comments Abstract types in Haxe are a powerful mechanism providing means of abstraction with no run-time overhead. They are particularly good for avoiding primitive obsession without introducing unnecessary object allocations, as demonstrated in many exa
Find out more about HashLink, the newest Haxe target, a virtual machine used to develop system/server/desktop applications. Article by Nicolas Cannasse on 2016-11-22. Comments This is first post of a series of articles covering the new HashLink target for Haxe, read Part 2 HashLink is a new Haxe target that was announced a few weeks ago which I have worked on for the past year and thought about fo
Haxe 3.3 introduces a powerful and flexible new Lua target. Here's how to get started with it. Article by Justin Donaldson on 2016-04-28. Comments The Lua target is now available in the Haxe Foundation repo, and in Haxe nightlies. Naturally, you will also need a Lua installation. Version 5.2 is preferred. For Linux based systems, you can use your favorite package installer. For Windows, try the Lu
Starting as an option in Haxe 2.09, and as default in Haxe 3, the JS output is modernized, meaning: Output runs in ES5 strict mode, allowing for more robust and optimizable JS. Output is wrapped in a (function() {})() to prevent writing to the global namespace, and allow JS minifiers to be more efficient. You can intentionally write classes and static methods to the global namespace by tagging the
This is a list of backward-incompatible changes in Haxe 3 that you can use as a reference to transition from 2.09 to 3.00 Typing changes Arrays of mixed type are no longer typed automatically as Array<Dynamic>. You will instead have to explicitly type the left-value in order to allow any array content : var content : Array<Dynamic> = [1,'hello',false]; Inline static vars no longer allow non-consta
もしプログラミング言語をたった1つだけ学ぶとしたら,Haxe です。 ユニバーサルであり,パワフルであり,簡単に使えます。 マルチプラットホーム Haxe はその高速なコンパイラで,JavaScript, Flash, NekoVM, PHP, C++, C#, Java(まもなく)という,全ての人気のあるプログラミングのプラットホームにコンパイルできます。このことは,あなたのアプリは,iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, webOS のような全ての人気のあるモバイルデバイスをサポートすることを意味します。 オープンソース Haxe はオープンソースです。それは,フリーであることを意味し,また,親しみを込めて the Haxers とでも呼ぶべき,プログラミング界における多くの採用者をすでに集めており,次の業界標準となるにふさわしい姿を備えています。 親しみやすい文法
Haxe 2.10 was released on July 16, and includes the following features : Java and C# targets ! compile with -java or -cs to output Java or C# source code ! Big thanks to Cauê Waneck which is working on this. It's still in beta, should be a lot better for 3.0, but you can already play with it, report bugs and improvements. Reduced JS output : we worked a lot so that --dead-code-elimination really e
この言語レファレンスの文書では,プログラミング言語 haXe の構文と特徴をおおまかに紹介します。言語レファレンスは以下のような構成になっています : 基本型構文型推論オブジェクト指向プログラミング型パラメータ列挙型インポートとパッケージダイナミック型そのほかの型イテレータプロパティ省略可能な引数条件コンパイルインライン化キーワード クロス・プラットフォーム レファレンス You may also be interested in the following:正規表現Handling Exceptions PDF ファイル版の言語レファレンス haxe-langref-rev060808.pdf (英語)
haXe (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most of the other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to the JVM, C# to .Net, ActionScript to the Flash Player), haXe is a multiplatform language. It means that you can use haXe to target the following platforms : Javascript : You can compile a haXe program to a single .js file. You can access the typed browser DOM
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
haXe (ヘックスと発音) はオープンソースのプログラミング言語です。 他の大部分の言語はそれぞれのプラットフォームに結びついている (Java なら JVM,C# なら .Net,ActionScript なら Flash Player) のに対して,haXe はマルチ・プラットフォームの言語です。 haXe を使うことで、次のようなプラットフォームを開発対象とすることができます : Javascript : haXe のプログラムを単一の .js ファイルにコンパイルできます。自動補完のサポートのある,型付けされたブラウザの DOM API にアクセスでき,すべての依存関係は,コンパイル時に解決されます。Flash : haXe のプログラムを .swf ファイルにコンパイルできます。haXe は Flash Player 6 から 10 向けに,「古い」Flash8 以前の API
Login You can register to create an account and edit the pages of the Wiki. User : Pass : This is a rough introduction to getting the Flex framework and haXe to work together. It shows one possible way to develop a Flex applications based on Flash Player 9 that includes code written in haXe. This tutorial assumes a basic understanding of Flex, haXe, AS3 and MXML. Note that this tutorial was
Haxe 4 is here! Haxe is an open source high-level strictly-typed programming language with a fast optimizing cross-compiler. Download 4.3.6 Released: 2024-08-07 Haxe can build cross-platform applications targeting JavaScript, C++, C#, Java, JVM, Python, Lua, PHP, Flash, and allows access to each platform's native capabilities. Haxe has its own VMs (HashLink and NekoVM) but can also run in interpre
Release Notes Dear Community, On behalf of the Haxe Foundation, we are proud to announce the official release of Haxe 4.3.6! This is a bugfix release. Check out the changelog below for more information. If you have any suggestions or run into any problems, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Thanks to everyone involved! Change Log 2024-08-07 4.3.6 Bugfixes: display : do not define "display" for
Login You can register to create an account and edit the pages of the Wiki. User : Pass :
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