Edit (2014/05/13): after a year, I got much better with Sass. I suggest you have a look at this post about Sass architecture. Edit (2013/02/27): this post contains valuable yet outdated informations. To have a look at my current Sass structure, please have a look at the GitHub repo. Hi people! Ever since the redesign a few weeks ago I have never stopped trying optimizing the performance of the sit
The other day, I was having a look at featured pens from CodePen to kill some time before getting a haircut. I ended up checking a pen from Yelp Devs’ (in the person of Benjamin Knight) in which they featured their star-rating system we can see pretty much all over their site. Star-rating widget from Yelp I was both surprised and pleased to see they are using Sass for their CSS codebase, and more
Edit (2014/11/16): please, don’t use this in a live project. If you come up with a case where you need to parse/encode JSON in Sass, consider having a Ruby/C/whatever helper function for this. If you are a reader of CSS-Tricks, you might have come across this article a while back about making Sass talk to JavaScript with JSON. The main idea behind this write up is to provide a way for JavaScript t
The code explained in this article has been slightly revisited in the pen afterwards. For the ultimate version of the code, check the pen. You know how much I love playing with Sass lists. I think they are the most powerful and useful feature in Sass. It’s a shame there is so few functions to deal with them. This is why I made SassyLists. Most importantly, I always wanted a console.log() for Sass.
Edit (2014/11/16): I have changed my mind again and no longer use Sass to “remify”. In most projects, I’ve noticed it’s better to use a postprocessor such as px_to_rem. Edit (2014/05/13): this article is getting old and while it still is perfectly valid, I have kind of changed my mind about this whole px to rem thing. I now use something simpler, like this mixin. About REM Everybody loves relative
Edit (2014/05/13): it looks like Internet Explorer is not the only browser to support the Grid Layout anymore since Chrome 34+ seems able to handle it quite well without any prefix. To the future! In the last few days/weeks, I have been helping Chris Coyier with CSS-Tricks’ Almanac. It seems he doesn’t have enough time to fill the last remaining entries, so we’ve been a few to help him out by writ
If you like to experiment or do a little bit of webdesign, then you have probably already tried to put elements on a circle. Unless you’re a CSS hacker, you’ve probably set a class/ID per item, then used left and top accordingly to position everything around the circle. 5 images positioned along a circle with CSS But in most cases, you would have ended doing this with JavaScript, or jQuery. There
January 31th, 2013, The following is a guest post by Ana Tudor. She is passionate about experimenting and learning new things. Also she loves maths and enjoys playing with code. I had no idea how powerful CSS gradients could be until late 2011, when I found the CSS3 Patterns Gallery made by Lea Verou. The idea that you can obtain many shapes using just gradients was a starting point for many CSS