21 Prototyping, Mockup, and Wireframing Tools for iPhone App Development There are many different types of tools available to developers, from low-tech stencil kits, high-tech collaborative software to Futtler. So I’ve rounded up a few of the more popular ones people are using specifically for iPhone app development. It’s far from being the definitive list, but it’s definitely a good place to star
I wrote before about JAIPHO, a mobile optimized web gallery that can be installed on both mobile and standard websites. Now the developer of JAIPHO has created a server side solution – Pipho. Pipho reads photos from any directory, creates resized thumbnail and slide images, and combines it with the Jaipho javascript. It also supports text files as descriptions for both gallery and slides. Pipho re
The world of iPhone application development is evolving rapidly, and developers have a growing list of development tools from which to choose. I’ve created a … Read more There are many different types of tools available to developers, from low-tech stencil kits, high-tech collaborative software to Futtler. So I’ve rounded up a few … Read more
Eddit.com has designed a nice custom icon library targeted at iPhone app developers. The icons are suitable for use in the Tab Bar and Tool Bar, but would also integrate nicely into any iPhoneized website. The set includes 120 png icons and a sample app for browsing the set. Note: this is a commercial set and will set you back $69 as of the date of this post. Download from eddit.com
When Paul Armstrong started searching for Javascript frameworks for iPhone optimized web development, he wasn’t satisfied with what was available. While the existing frameworks were good, there were a few issues that made them unattractive. For example, the availability of -webkit-transform and –webkit-animation removed any need for an animation library. Also, with the introduction of the Query Se