The recent discussion about the Yacc is dead paper on Lambda the Ultimate sparked my interest in regular expression derivatives. The original idea goes back to the paper Derivatives of Regular Expressions published in 1964 (!) by Janusz A. Brzozowski. For a more modern treatment of the topic see Regular-expression derivatives reexamined. The derivative of a set of strings with respect to a charact
In one of my posts on type level meta programming in Scala the question of Turing completeness came up already. The question is whether Scala’s type system can be used to force the Scala compiler to carry out any calculation which a Turing machine is capable of. Various of my older posts show how Scala’s type system can be used to encode addition and multiplication on natural numbers and how to en
Function memoization is an optimization technique to avoid repeated calculation of function values which have been calculated by a previous evaluation of the function. In this post I show how function memoization can be implemented in Scala. Although straight forward at a first glance, effectively memoizing recursive functions requires some second thoughts. For the sake of simplicity I only discus
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