I would like to suggest that as many Japanese people have very high reading skills in English that any articles dealing with the earthquake and mental health issues in Japan could usefully provide contact details for emergency services, hotlines and support services for people who are experiencing stress, trauma, feeling depressed or even feeling suicidal. Here is some information that hopefully w
guide to take care and protect yourself during the earthquake- basic advice Manual in case of earthquake 【What to carry】 ・Cash ・ID ・Water (3 liters per person per day) ・Emergency provisions (canned food etc) ・Mobile phone and portable charger ・Kleenex ・Towels (about 5) ・Flashlight ・Radio ・Rain gear ・Seasonal clothes ・Gloves ・Mask ・Garbage bag, the bigger the better (use for protection against cold
guide to take care and protect yourself during the earthquake- basic advice We provide a basic guide in many languages on what to do when you have to evacuate because of an earthquake. We created this guide hoping it will be useful for foreign people living in Japan and who are suffering from the 3.11 earthquake. It almost past one year after the nightmare. Nothing is completely recovered, but eve
guide to take care and protect yourself during the earthquake- basic advice 地震発生時緊急マニュアル 【持ち物】 □現金 □身分証明書 □印鑑・保険証 □飲料水(1人1日3リットルが目安) □非常食(缶詰・お菓子等) □携帯電話と非常用充電器 □ティッシュ □タオル(5枚くらい) □懐中電灯 □ラジオ □雨具 □カイロなど、防寒具 □軍手、手袋 □マスク(防寒や、煙を吸わずに済む) □ゴミ袋(大きい方がよい。防寒や防水、器代わり) □サランラップ □輪ゴム(数本でOK) □毛布 □新聞(防寒) □家族の写真(はぐれた時の確認用) □ホイッスル(生存率が格段に上がる) □メガネ ※1 追記へ □いつもの薬 □生理用品(必須) ※2 追記へ □音楽プレーヤー(音楽を聴いて落ち着ける、物によってはラジオ機能有) □布テー
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