If you’ve ever attempted to create responsive type that seamlessly adapts and scales between pre-determined sizes within a type scale based on viewport or container widths, you may have wrestled with JavaScript or wrangled with CSS calculators. But with the help of calc(), clamp(), and a somewhat wonky use of CSS vars, we can simplify this process and tap into the dynamism that modern CSS affords.
Default Smooth As light hits an object and a shadow is cast, the shadow can take on a myriad of unique characteristics. If you try to capture the subtleties of a real shadow with box-shadow then, well, you’re pretty much out of luck. The box-shadow CSS property isn’t exactly built to encourage expressiveness. It essentially produces a blurred silhouette of an object—you can change its offset, blur
jQuery is still a useful and pragmatic library, but chances are increasingly that you’re not dependent on using it in your projects to accomplish basic tasks like selecting elements, styling them, animating them, and fetching data—things that jQuery was great at. With broad browser support of ES6 (over 96% at the time of writing), now is probably a good time to move away from jQuery. I recently re
On the surface it seems fairly easy to create a masonry layout with flexbox; all you need to do is set flex-flow to column wrap and voilà, you have a masonry layout. Sort of. The problem with this approach is that it produces a grid with a seemingly shuffled and obscure order. Items will be (unbeknownst to the user) rendered from top to bottom and someone parsing the grid from left to right will r
Source <h1 class="ml1"> <span class="text-wrapper"> <span class="line line1"></span> <span class="letters">THURSDAY</span> <span class="line line2"></span> </span> </h1>
CSS animations and transitions are great for animating something from point A to B. That is, if you want to animate along a straight path. No matter how much you bend your bezier curves, you can’t make something move along a curved path by applying an animation or a transition to an object. You can overshoot with custom timing functions, and produce spring-like effects, but the relative movement a
How do you animate the box-shadow property in CSS without causing re-paints on every frame, and heavily impacting the performance of your page? Short answer: you don’t. Animating a change of box-shadow will hurt performance. There’s an easy way of mimicking the same effect, however, with minimal re-paints, that should let your animations run at a solid 60 FPS: animate the opacity of a pseudo-eleme
Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it. And then he feels that perhaps there isn't. Anyhow, here he is at the bottom, and ready to be introduced to
.spinner { width: 40px; height: 40px; background-color: #333; margin: 100px auto; -webkit-animation: sk-rotateplane 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; animation: sk-rotateplane 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; } @-webkit-keyframes sk-rotateplane { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(120px) } 50% { -webkit-transform: perspective(120px) rotateY(180deg) } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(120px) rotateY(180deg
Blog. Responsive type scales with composable CSS utilities Read more With the help of calc(), clamp() and CSS vars, we can create composable, responsive, and fluid type scales that smoothly adapts to viewport and container widths. Hiding empty elements with CSS :empty and :has() Read more You might be used to toggling classes on elements to handle state styles. What if we could just write CSS that
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