If you've been developing with Vue prior to 2021 there's a good chance that your build tool of choice was the Vue CLI. It's been the de-facto standard for scaffolding Vue.js projects for a while. Now though, Evan You's next generation build tool Vite, has been garnering a lot of attention and is a great alternative to the Vue CLI. The primary reason for making the move is all about speed. Vite's d
Perhaps, you're moving from Vue CLI to Vite as your build tool of choice and in the process you realize that the @ alias no longer works 😱. This was exactly my experience, as well as my reaction. How in the world was I going to avoid such nasty looking imports as this ../../../someComponent.vue?
In the previous article of the "How to Structure a Large Scale Vue Application" series, we explored standards for keeping your Vue.js codebase predictable and maintainable. In this article, we’ll focus on setting up ESLint and Prettier with your Vite-powered Vue project to automate code linting and formatting, making collaboration and code quality better than ever. If you’re new to linting and for
In the previous article we learned about the performance improvements that Vue 3 will bring. We already know that apps written in the new major version of Vue will perform very well but performance isn’t the most important part. The thing that matters most to us developers, is how the new release will affect the way we write our code. As you could expect, Vue 3 brings a lot of new exciting feature
While mobile-first approach becomes a standard and uncertain network conditions are something we should always take into consideration it’s harder and harder to keep your application loading fast. In this series, I’ll dig deep into Vue performance optimization techniques that we are using in Vue Storefront and that you can use in your Vue.js applications to make them loading instantly and perform
Nuxt.js Fundamentals (Nuxt 2) Learn the fundamentals of Nuxt.js in this course that we created together with the founders of Nuxt. The course covers what you need to know from scaffolding to deploying your first Nuxt.js application. Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Vue.js applications. Its goal is to help Vue developers take advantage of top-notch technologies and features in a fast, easy and o
Vuex for Everyone This Vue.js course is based on the official Vuex example. We'll create a shopping cart with Vue and progressively discover and learn about Vuex features by replacing pieces of the application with mutations, getters, and actions. In this course you'll learn all there is to know about Vuex by creating a shopping cart from scratch. We will start off by creating a shopping cart with
Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members and industry experts with our premium tutorials and video courses.
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