iPhone 16e
Alfred 4 Read about this workflow below. This is an update to address the new Alfred 4 data folder (thanks to xilopaint). DOWNLOAD Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 for Alfred 4 Description Alfred 3 workflow to search and create notes in Evernote. Search Keywords ens to search in every note field ens @ to search in a selected notebook ens # to search notes with a selected tags You can use ent (search in
Hi, I just wrote up a workflow to launch iOS Simulator without launching Xcode. To test website in iPhone or iPad, you might need iOS Simulator but it requires you to launch Xcode and then you have to select some menus to launch iOS Simulator. This workflow saves your time to launch it. Just typing "ios", you will be able to iOS Simulator very easily. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5173342/La
Hey guys, here is a Google Translate workflow i made based on Anders Bech Mellson's work. Once again, I don't want to take credit for a work that isn't mine. I'm just feeding back to alfred the results of an already good extension. Press enter to copy to clipboard, FN to look up on the actual translate.google.com website. It's really easy to add / remove / edit for your own set of languages, just
Hi all, I missed the Alfred 1.x "action" keyword, which I usually used to open the selected Finder items in an app (more often than not Photoshop). So I made an Alfred 2.x workflow to do that. You can download it here: http://mattgemmell.com/files/open_selected_finder_items_alfred2.zip Usage is simple: 1. Type the keyword ("fsel" by default, for "Finder selection") then a space. 2. Type the name o
Join us to chat about how you're using it and how you've customised it. We're also here to help you get up and running with Alfred. Bug reports or feature suggestions shouldn't be posted in this forum.
Important note about updates: Generally I am no longer supporting this workflow, however I have been known to do periodic updates, and I will try to include pull requests from others. Download the latest version, tested with Alfred v5+ and macOS 14+ (older versions may work too) For older versions, go here. Usage To use, just type r <some text> into Alfred. For example, r check out some of Alfred'
Colors v2.0.0 Get it from Packal (Recommended) Quick Summary: This workflow can process and convert all CSS color formats and several Objective-C formats, namely NSColor (calibrated and device) and UIColor. It also provides an interface to the OS X color panel for easier color manipulations. It's written in native code (i.e. it's really fast). Quick Preview: You can find a full description on Pack
Nothing I had done with toggling the setting in PathFinder and restarting worked (I literally spent over 2 hours trying different combinations of toggling the setting, restarting apps, and restarting my computer). But based on your statement about modifying the setting file, I looked into it and I found something which does work: Quit Alfred 2 Open ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfr
Github with Alfred Current Version: Search Github Repos Search Your Gists Search Your Starred Repos Get All Your Starred Repos Get All Your Gists Create A Gist Get API Requests Limit Don't Forget set your github username by: Set XXXX Github API limited 60 times per hour. Feel free to fix the bug and improve this workflow! Download Edited March 18, 2013 by xhinking
Hi all, I've created a workflow for interacting with a Jenkins CI instance. Currently it only supports fetching the status of the builds but I'm planning on expanding this to getting the health of the builds, starting builds and some other neat features. You can download it from here, or you can check out the GitHub repository here. When you've installed it in Alfred, be sure to set the correct UR
Trello Workflow for Alfred App v.1.6.1 Create cards in Trello using Alfred App https://www.alfredapp.com/ Download Trello WorkFlow 1.6.1 Install Double click on the "Trello Workflow for Alfred v.1.6.1" workflow that you have just downloaded. More info: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/ Note: if you have version 1.5 installed, remove it before installing the new version. Setup Generate your
Share your workflows with fellow community members. This forum is for exported and complete workflows. Go to the Workflow Help & Questions forum for questions on creating your own workflows.
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