Generate your own shiny CSS3 buttons for your website!
I have personally read every book in this list. The enormous value I’ve gotten out of these books is the sole reason I am recommending them. These books helped me to make my Swift To-Do List very successful. There are no affiliate links in this post. If you have suggestions for other books that would benefit people in software business, please post them in comments, and I will update the additiona
UPDATE July 28, 2011: If you need to trick yourself into writing (blog post, article, book, etc), then read the Accidental Genius summary. UPDATE April 29, 2011: There is a new post Achieving Goals Like a Mad Klingon if you want to trick yourself into achieving goals. In order to be successful, we have to work hard, no matter what. We can’t always be at the mercy of our motivation. I am lazy. But
To-Do DeskList surprised us by delivering a fresh, unusual design and just the right number of features. If you're in the market for an unobtrusive but flexible task manager, this just might be the one. To-Do DeskList's interface is sleek and attractive. (...) We appreciate its ability to take something as mundane as a to-do list and make it stylish and kind of fun. We recommend this program to al
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