Inspired by Mark Otto's post Github's CSS I thought I would quickly jot down how Lonely Planet's CSS is structured. I thought it was interesting to read some of the parallels and it's good to share how we work. Quick FactsWe write in Sass (Indented syntax).We have more than 150 source files.The compiled CSS is split into two stylesheets to allow for stronger caching across apps.The average weight
Anyone who has attempted to maintain a UI Style Guide over a long period of time will attest that it is a very difficult process. They are generally prioritised below the maintenance of your applications themselves and as such are likely the first candidates to fall behind and the last to be brought out of tech debt. This is bad because once your Style Guide falls out of sync with your application
Your browser doesn't support the features required by impress.js, so the best I can do is a linear version of this Guide. If you can, check it out using a modern desktop browser. This talk isn't about grunt, bower or yeoman, it focuses more on the concepts and theory behind devOps and specifically how it can relate to the Front End. There is this Catch 22 situation around a lot of these topics: wh
We use a lot of icons on lonelyplanet.com and recently went through the task of transferring them from an icon font to SVG files. I wanted to share why we did this along with some of the drawbacks to SVG and how we got around them. 1. Separation of concernsWe use a custom font on lonelyplanet.com and we used to bundle the icons into the same file, storing the glyphs within the Private Unicode Area
his blog corresponds to my May 2013 talk @frontendlondon. The slides for that talk can be found on slideshare. The story behind FOUTCSS is justified critical due to the flash of unstyled content which would ensue if we deferred it. This is the main reason why web fonts are deemed critical to web pages: to avoid the flash of unstyled text which is then later repainted. When font-face landed we had