Yep, we're talking about it Why have operator overloading at all? Useful for new proposed data types - BigInt, Decimal Operator support make these "look more like" first class data types Offers a set of well-understood base level semantics (`+` is better understood than `.plus`) C++, F#, Scala, Ruby, Haskell, & Rust all agree! Why have operator overloading at all? const a = 2n const b = 8n const c
You've heard of ES6 right? It's the new version of JavaScript that is awesome in so many ways. I frequently wax lyrical about all of the amazing new features I keep discovering with ES6, much to the chagrin of my colleagues (consuming someone's lunch break talking about ES6 Modules seems to be not to everyone's liking). A set of great new features for ES6 comes in the form of a slew of new metapro
Update: I frequently get asked, considering this post is now years old, whether or not I still stand by the advice in this post, and whether new developers should use npm as a build tool. The advice still stands, and I believe developers should use npm as a build tool. Myself; I've been Gulp & Grunt free since 2013™. Should I ever change my stance on this, I will immediately update this post. Last
I had a recent discussion with one of the awesome developers at the FT - @bjfletcher. We were looking at how viable it would be to replace a templating language, like Handlebars with ES6 Template Literals, in some manner. Ben suggested it'd be a good idea to turn our discussion into a post, and here we are - with a click bait title and everything. So what are Template Literals? How can they do wha
jwerty is a JS lib which allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events. It normalises the poor std api into something easy to use and clear. jwerty is a small library, weighing in at around 1.5kb minified and gzipped (~3kb minified). jwerty has no dependencies, but is compatible with jQuery, Zepto or Ender if you include those packages alongside it. jwerty