Magaka is a web based solution for producing modern digital magazines and, since is opensource and free, allows you too making a cool and expensive-looking magazine with your face on it. For real. Magaka uses some old & new web technologies for putting together your magazines, meaning that your readers just need to have a browser onboard to read your stuff, keeping you away from messing with compl
Io, Io, Io! Join the Atwenture 2015-06-26 21:08:27 Long time no see. Well. As usual. I've got few spare hours, so I've put together Atwenture, a (serverless) textual adventure that you can change tweeting. For real! Why don't you give it a try? You can play the game and find instructions here (Link). Code is on GitHub already, this time. (Link) Happy building! Thanks to Sergio/Nerdissimo (Link) fo
Credits for music artists are on staff rolls of each games and here. Feel brave? So you're ready for the Dark side of Akihabara with experimental material! Uh-uh-uh! HTML5 is my Arcade. Akihabara is a major Tokyo shopping area for electronic, computer, anime, and otaku goods. You can find any sort of old & new videogames, starting from the 8-bit era to modern motion-sensing videogames. But is also
『Kesiev Norimaki』の新着エントリーを見る