Switch 2
Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript. This is a list of Flow types generated from the source code in https://github.com/facebook/flow/tree/v0.111.3/ The script to generate this list is on github. Fixes welcome. See also my TypeScript cheat sheet, TypeScript React cheat sheet, and Docker cheat sheet. There are separate sections for "private" or "magic" types with a $ in the name. See the no
Date: 2009-11-03 | Modified: 2010-01-05 | Tags: linux, nginx, ubuntu, wordpress | 12 Comments We have been evaluating caching reverse proxy servers at work. We looked at Nginx+memcached, Squid, and Varnish. Most recently, we found that Nginx version 0.7 has support for caching static files using the proxy_cache directive in the NginxHttpProxyModule. This allows us to use Nginx as a caching p
Date: 2010-05-10 | Modified: 2011-04-24 | Tags: emacs, notestoself, python | 15 Comments Python mode¶There are two Python modes: python-mode.el created by the Python community and python.el created by the Emacs community (David Love). The first version of python.el was included in Emacs 22 and an improved version was included in Emacs 23. I am currently using the default python.el included w
ast-grep is a code search + replace tool that uses the abstract syntax tree (AST). It has language support for TypeScript, Python, and others, but it doesn't support GraphQL out of the box. However, there is documentation for supporting other languages: Custom Language Support. These are my notes using that Custom Language Support documentation along with the Multi-Language Documents documentation
Date: 2010-02-22 | Modified: 2010-04-07 | Tags: persistence, python | 7 Comments MongoDB is a popular new schemaless, document-oriented, NoSQL database. It is useful for logging and real-time analytics. I'm working on a tool to store log files from multiple remote hosts to MongoDB, then analyze it in real-time and print pretty plots. My work in progress is located on github. Here are my firs
Date: 2009-05-06 | Modified: 2012-11-17 | Tags: django, install_setup, python, ubuntu | 24 Comments I have been using a symlinking method to install Python packages up to this point. To better handle dependencies and multiple versions I have wanted to switch over to pip and virtualenv. Pip is a better alternative to Easy Install and virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments
Optparse seems like a pretty cool module for processing command line options and arguments in Python. It is intended to be an improvement over the old getopt module. Optparse supports short style options like -x, long style options like --xhtml and positional arguments. Optparse also makes it easy to add default options and help text. Below is my optparse example. For more information, see the opt
Or, How to use variable length argument lists in Python. The special syntax, *args and **kwargs in function definitions is used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. The single asterisk form (*args) is used to pass a non-keyworded, variable-length argument list, and the double asterisk form is used to pass a keyworded, variable-length argument list. Here is an example of how to use
Install coLinux (and Ubuntu Hardy) on Win XP using Slirp to internet and TAP to host behind a corporate firewall/proxy server coLinux allows you to run a full Linux distribution, such as Ubuntu Hardy, on top of Windows at near native speeds. It runs as a single Windows process with its own specially allocated address space. The guest linux system can run from either a separate disk partition or fr