25年以上にわたり、オープンソースは私たちの世界に革命をもたらしてきました。Linuxの成長から仮想化、クラウドへの移行など、テクノロジーにおける主要な進歩の全てとは言わないまでも、その多くはオープンソースの革新が原動力となっています。私にとって、その理由は明らかです。 開発結果が後で還元され、全員が利益を得ることができる枠組みの下で、できるだけ多くの人が最善策を見つけるために努力することを良いことと思いませんか?そして問題が見つかれば、皆で解決する。 その根底にあるのは、ソフトウェアは「誰でも自由にアクセスし、使用し、変更し、(修正された形でも修正されていない形でも)共有できる」べきであるという考え方です。 ベンダーから提供されたソースを顧客が共有することを制限することは、ソフトウェアを(1ユーザーとして)共同で分析し、監査する能力を制限します。 SUSEは、この見解を100%支持します
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications SAPアプリケーションおよびデータベース用に最適化された、耐障害性の高いプラットフォーム
We are happy to announce the 1.0.0 release of Rancher Desktop. This release has been months in the making since development on Rancher Desktop began. After starting small and learning what users needed, we were able to adjust its path and develop the features needed for a 1.0.0 stable community release. But wait – what is Rancher Desktop again? It’s an open source app for desktop Kubernetes and co
Learn to install and run k3OS and k3s in resource constrained environments like the edge, configure and update k3OS, and scale Kubernetes management with k3OS and k3s. Today we launched a new open source project called k3OS. K3OS is a Linux distro built for the sole purpose of running Kubernetes clusters. In fact, it is a Linux distro and the k3s Kubernetes distro in one! As soon as you boot up a
Today Google announced Anthos, a new cloud service with the ability to manage Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud providers, including AWS and Azure. This is super exciting news for Rancher. In Google Anthos, we see great alignment with Rancher’s vision. We believe Kubernetes will become the standardized infrastructure provided by all public and private clouds, and an enterprise Kubernetes p
Introducing k3s: The Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution Built for the Edge Today Rancher Labs is announcing a new open source project, k3s, which is a lightweight, easy to install Kubernetes distribution geared towards resource-constrained environments and low touch operations. Some use cases in which k3s really shines are edge, ARM, IoT, and CI. The work for k3s started as a component of Rio, an
Join our free online training sessions to learn more about Kubernetes, containers, and Rancher. Today we reach an important milestone. Rancher 2.0, a release we worked on in the past year, has achieved GA and is ready for production deployment. I’d like to thank everyone who has worked on this release, and to thank all Rancher customers, users, and partners who have provided so much valuable suppo
Comparing 10 Docker Container Monitoring Solutions for Rancher Container monitoring environments come in all shapes and sizes. Some are open source while others are commercial. Some are available in the Rancher Catalog while others require manual configuration. Some are general purpose while others are aimed specifically at container environments. Some are hosted in the cloud while others require
Announcing Rancher 2.0: the next major release of the container management platform Update: Rancher 2.0 Tech Preview has since gone to GA. Read the announcement here. [ We achieved another significant milestone today at Rancher Labs. After months of hard work, our engineering team released a technology preview of the Rancher 2.0 container management platform.] Rancher 2.0 builds on the tremendous
Announcing Longhorn: an open source project for microservices-based distributed block storage Editor’s note: On June 2, 2020, Rancher Labs announced the general availability of Longhorn, an enterprise-grade, cloud-native container storage solution. Longhorn directly answers the need for an enterprise-grade, vendor-neutral persistent storage solution that supports the easy development of stateful a
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Run your business-critical apps in any environment
Today we achieved a major milestone by shipping Rancher 1.0, our first generally available release. After more than one and a half years of development, Rancher has reached the quality and feature completeness for production deployment. We first unveiled a preview of Rancher to the world at the November 2014 Amazon Re:invent conference. We followed that with a Beta release in June 2015. I’d like t
Introducing RancherVM: Package and Run Virtual Machines as Docker Containers Virtual machines and containers are two of my favorite technologies. I have always wondered about different ways they can work together. It has become clear over time these two technologies compliment each other. True there is overlap, but most people who are running containers today run them on virtual machines, and for
Over the last few months our team, with the help of Daniel Walsh (@rhatdan) from Red Hat and many other community members, have worked to add support for labels in Docker 1.6. Labels allow users to attach arbitrary key value metadata to Docker images and containers. This feature, while very simple in concept, gives us the opportunity to add many powerful features to Rancher, and will benefit every
Why Join? SUSECON is our annual global conference where SUSE customers, partners and community members delve into how the latest open source advances can meet the technical needs and business challenges of the enterprise IT customer. Join us to share experiences, knowledge, best practices and innovations for the future. Over 100 breakout sessions focused on: Linux Enterprise Container Management E
Welcome to the SUSE product documentation home page. On this page, find technical documentation, such as quick starts, guides, manuals, and best practices for all SUSE products and solutions.
On the SUSE documentation site, find technical documentation, such as quick starts, guides, manuals, and best practices for all SUSE products and solutions.
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