This week at the React.js Conf 2015, Facebook presented React Native. A revolutionary solution to build native mobile apps using JavaScript. Sound familiar? Let’s go over some quotes from the keynotes. Introducing React Native We’ve tried in the past to just build web-apps that we could wrap in thin native wrappers, but it doesn’t work. [..] People have tried to clone this [Facebook Paper] on the
Appcelerator just released 3.5.0.GA. This “minor” release is focussed on adding 64-bit iOS support, allowing you to comply with Apple’s requirements for new apps per February 1, while updates have until June 1. If your app uses no (third-party) modules you can simply do a new build with 3.5.0.GA. If you do use other modules, then check our earlier blog on How to update your app and modules. But th
Appcelerator recently presented a preview of Titanium for Windows (native), based on the new Titanium core HAL that will power Titanium 4.x or Ti.Next. Like iOS apps, Windows apps can only be build on a Windows PC. Most Titanium developers use a Mac since Android apps can be build on both platforms. This how to aims to give a simple, minimal recipe to give the preview a try on a Mac with minimal h
Dash I’ve been using Dash for offline (hotkey) access to the API Documentation, but for the Guides I still needed to open the browser and wait for JSDuck to download and parse the 12MB of data. Nightly docs This morning I was checking out the nightly build of the Titanium 3_4_X branch to see if TIMOB-18088 was correctly resolved to handle the new iOS certificate names. For the first time, I notice
In this guest blog, Mark Mokryn introduced us to his new Facebook modules for Titanium. Appcelerator’s Facebook modules haven’t been updated for a long time, partly because the newer SDKs couldn’t simply be dropped into the Titanium wrapper modules but needed lots of adjustments. Mark just got several PRs accepted for Titanium 3.5.0 to make it easier to use third-part SDKs as-is. But using his pri
This is a guest-blog by Flavio De Stefano from Caffeina, originally posted in Italian on their own blog. Thank you Flavio for translating, updating and sharing this with us! Since we started working with Titanium here at Caffeina, we have seen it evolving so fast that, after a year of fulfilled projects, this framework doesn’t look quite the same anymore. As the development went on, we collected s
iOS 8 introduces 2 new Info.plist keys to explain the user why you (even in background) need access to his location. From iOS 4 through 7, this was done in run-time using the Ti.Geolocation.purpose property. Multilingual apps Now this has moved to the static Info.plist – which in Titanium you’d normally set in the tiapp.xml‘s ios > plist section – you might wonder how to set a specific text for ea
How do I manage memory in my app? How can I fix memory leaks? How does using Alloy alter memory management best practices? We see questions like this in endless variety. In this article, I will lay down the general principles you should follow to hopefully clear up this issue once and for all. When you’re done with this article, make sure to read the Debug memory leaks with XCode Instruments artic
One of the most consistent referrers to Alloylove.com is from a question on Appcelerator’s forum called “Android Slide Menu ( like G+, Facebook, Wunderlist ).” Apparently there are a lot of people, including myself, that want to know how to easily implement a slide menu like Facebook (pre-iOS7), Path and various others. Below is a list of resources to help you get the slide menu feature in your ap
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