In a spell of madness I’ve decided to explain the concept of monads in my own personal way, with a slant towards Python programmers. Syntax as an Interface Think about the case of magic methods in Python. They’re used as programmable ways to get special shorthand from the interpreter; for example object1 + object2 will be interpreted as object1.__add__(object2). This means that if your class imple
The concept of a ‘web page’ is quickly becoming meaningless. I believe there’s a new way to look at the Web and the browser, and synthesizing it with old technologies could result in a novel technique for Web development and content editing. Just today I found out that the Chrome JS editor can ‘hot-swap’ your code. It got me thinking of other systems I know of that allow you to edit code on-the-fl
I’m a software engineer living in San Francisco, constantly trying to level up my BBQ and powerlifting skills. ?? ?️? ?️♀️ ? I was taking a look at the Crossroads I/O project today, and stumbled across this in the FAQ: Why do you not accept pull requests? Pull requests can change while being reviewed. This makes it impossible to ensure that the code being merged is the same code that has been re
In anticipation of Full Frontal tomorrow, I decided to play around with two hot new tools, node.js and socket.io, in putting together a useful ‘toy’ application. Over a few blog posts, I’ll demonstrate how to build a lightweight app to track live Twitter feeds, starting with something incredibly basic and adding features incrementally. Requirements Start by installing node.js, npm (the node packag