Nothing much here, but I thought I’d share a handy little library to decode WebP in Flash. Here’s two demo’s : Lena and V for Vendetta, both encoded using the webp binaries provided here. It’s a small wrapper around the WebP library ported with Alchemy. The port is pretty easy to do using Alchemy, aside from some issues with the Alchemy toolchain pretending to be a normal gcc toolchain; it enables
Part One of the Particle Session kicks off with looking at a system similar, but simpler then this Bloom particle experiment (music made for it by the fantastic artist Rich Bologna, thank you again for it, Rich!). We’ll be taking slow steps of optimizations and at the end have a get prepared for the next level. To be able to get up to speed with the working of the video particles, we’ll start from
This page lists a selection of my labs experiments, old and new. Click around and explore, but keep in mind, this all experimental and unpolished work. 3D Alchemy Particle Pusher 300.000 3d particles in Flash 10 using Alchemy. 3D interactive Vertexmap (milkyball) Flash 10 3D test. 3D Music Visualization Flash 10 3D music visualization test. Audio – FlashModPlug ModPlug ported to Flash with Alchemy
More experiments Hosted by MediaTemple
Milkyball, a further extension of my Triangle3D experimentation, used in my presentation of end 2009. Click on the shape to see the magic vertexmap. PixelBender + Flash raytracer. Work in progress. I posted both of these earlier on my twitter (@unitzeroone), but they didn’t make the blog as of yet. More details in future posts.
Over the last days I’ve spent some time twittering back and forth with Eugene. His supershape demo is very cool and we spent some time ‘tweeting’ about shaders. This lead me to upload and twitter one of my experiments which I used as part of my FOTB / MAX presentation. Judging by the huge number of retweets it seems people enjoyed it a lot, so I figured that it was worth a blog post. I started wor
After the overwhelming response of posting the sources of 300.000 pixels with Alchemy and Pixelbender, I thought it would be nice to post some more from my session at FITC Amsterdam. First let’s take a look at what people have done in response of the previous sources. Yonatan Offek – Sierpinski Particles Peter Nitsch – Alchemy Particles David Lenaerts – Smoke, Milk and Ink Dennis Ippel – Incredibl
Flash 10, Massive amounts of 3D particles with Alchemy (source included). Pushing around +300.000 3D particles, realtime, on screen, using Flash ? No problem, if you are using Adobe Alchemy & PixelBender to compile and run your code! During my session “professionally pushing pixels” at FITC Amsterdam this year, amongst other things, I talked about how to best utilize parts of the Flash Player to g