Version 0.99.1 Beta Download a zipfile with the source code, developer’s guide, and a few demos: cssutilities.zip [370K] These are the demos — a few simple tools that illustrate some different kinds of data and functionality the library can provide: Live CSS Inspector Click on any element to inspect its CSS rules Get Specificity Enter a CSS selector into the textbox, and get a simple visual repres
Version 0.99 Beta — 4th April 2010 CSSUtilities is a JavaScript library that provides unique and indispensible methods for querying CSS style sheets! Here are some of the things it can do: CSSUtilities can find all the rules that apply to an element, including information about properties, media, specificity and inheritance. It can give you properties information that bypasses browser normalizatio
Dust-Me Selectors 4.1 is now available from the add-ons directory. Version 4.1 fixes the compatibility issues that arose in Firefox 22 (because several key classes were summarily removed, which broke the extension). Version 4.0 was never released, because of problems with the add-ons review process (bugs in the automated validator that incorrectly rejected the first build, then delays and mistakes
Published: 4th August 2006 Nearly six years ago, when I was in the early days of my web career, I embarked on a personal project to build a 3D dungeon environment for a JavaScript game. My skills and knowledge were both in their infancy, and since I didn't know any better, I created the perspective views using images. The visual result was not too bad - the perspective is reasonably accurate, if a
Inspired by Eric Meyer's pure CSS menus and the recently re-vamped DevEdge, I created this hybrid of CSS and DHTML, based on a simple unordered-list. Since the core data is HTML, it degrades all the way back to white text on a black background. It's coded to work up to six levels deep, but this can easily be extended, with just two lines of CSS per additional level. The whole thing, including the
LoJAX (Low-technology AJAX) 12th June 2006 LoJAX is a re-creation of the window.XMLHttpRequest object, designed for low-specification and legacy browsers. Demo of LoJAX in its default configuration It can also be used in browsers that already have support, to provide additional functionality not available in any native implementation. Demo of LoJAX working for all browsers LoJAX uses a combination
This is a simple list-based menu, with CSS2 menu triggers for browsers that support them, and a touch of equivalent javascript for others. For discussions about this script and others like it, please see the list-based menus thread at CodingForums If you want a list-based menu with more advanced design, usability and accessibility features, please check out Ultimate Drop Down Menu The following br
Brothercake a round peg in a square hole, that still fits Brothercake is a professional web-developer based in the UK, specialising in advanced JavaScript programming, and accessible site and application development. This site is a portfolio for my work, and a collection of useful resources such as scripts, games and articles. There's also some bits of personal stuff, and occasionally I sound-off
Version 1.1 - 22nd April 2005 domFunction is an easy-to-use helper script, that allows other DOM scripting to run before window.onload; the practical benefit is that javascript doesn't have to wait for images or other dependencies to finish loading anymore - it can begin as soon as the DOM is ready It works in all DOM-capable browsers except Mac/IE5, Safari 1.0, or KDE <3.2 (with javascript enable
Version 1.1 - 1st November 2004 This script is not designed to supplant the behavior or appearance of mouseover tooltips, it simply extends the principle so that tooltips also appear when an element receives the focus. It works in Opera 7 or later, Mozilla browsers, and Win/IE6 (with javascript enabled): See the script in action It iterates through all elements once the page has loaded, and adds f
Version 3.0 — 26th March 2009 Docking boxes (dbx) adds animated drag 'n' drop, snap-to-grid, and show/hide-contents functionality to any group of elements. And how could I resist re-creating one of the most iconic interfaces of modern times to show it off! The script can work with rows, columns, or two-dimensional grids of objects, of any size and shape. And as you've come to expect from brotherca