A jQuery plugin for creating rainbow or gradient text. BECAUSE RAINBOW TEXT RULES
Aware.js is a simple jQuery plugin that allows a site to customize and personalize the display of content based on a reader’s behavior without requiring login, authentication, or any server-side processing. Aware.js can highlight new content, insert relative bookmarks, and reflow content based on contextual triggers. It also gives access to the visitor’s local time of day.
Define breakpoints for your responsive design, and Breakpoints.js will fire custom events when the browser enters and/or exits that breakpoint. This is most useful for designs that require different event bindings at different screen sizes - for example a navigation system that behaves differently at different sizes.
Do you use tags to organize content on your site? This plugin will turn your boring tag list into a magical input that turns each tag into a style-able object with its own delete link. Tags Input handles all the data, your form just sees a comma-delimited list of tags!
Magically convert a simple text input into a cool tag list with this jQuery plugin. Do you use tags to organize content on your site? This plugin will turn your boring tag list into a magical input that turns each tag into a style-able object with its own delete link. The plugin handles all the data - your form just sees a comma-delimited list of tags! Tweet Jump to: Examples, Download, Instruct
Fresh Clickables is a blog where we post our newest web experiments and handy products. We call it clickable research and development. WolframAlpha Search Plugin posted 3 days ago by Ben Brown Topics include firefox wolframalpha search plugins clickable When I saw WolframAlpha, I knew I was going to have a lot of questions I wanted to ask it. So I made a Firefox search plugin. It looks like th
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