Using a form of cross scripting, it becomes easy to steal a Gmail user’s contact list if they visit a certain type of website. The only condition is you have to be logged in to Gmail at the time of the attack. Gmail is setup to store your contact list in javascript files, which is the core problem. If you log into your Gmail account and click here, you’ll see your contact’s details, along with the
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Home2016October520 FireFox Extensions That Every Web Designer Should Know About Here’s a list of 20 useful FireFox extensions that all web designers should know about. Web Developer Toolbar Brings most FireFox options to your tool bar. It allows for a quick disable of cookies, cache, JavaScript, and a ton of other things. This is very useful when making a login script. AspellFox It gives a spell c
Read our iPhone review and make your decision about the fastest selling cell phone of 2007. No iPhone MMS? Download the third party messaging program, or just unlock your phone altogether! September 5th, 2006 - By: Alex Bailey Comments (71) | del.icio.us | EMail Post | Print Post I've been using GMail since 2004 and have always thought it was the best email service. With the large amoun