The Zip file format is now 32 years old. You'd think being 32 years old the format would be well documented. Unfortunately it's not. I have a feeling this is like many file formats. They aren't designed, rather the developer just makes it up as they go. If it gets popular other people want to read and/or write them. They either try to reverse engineer the format OR they ask for specs. Even if the
WebGL - Less Code, More Fun 2014-06-16 This post has moved to webglfundamentals.org Tags: codedevelopmentwebgl Comments WebGL Anti Patterns Idea: Curated Open Source Libraries
WebGL Anti Patterns 2014-06-16 This post has moved to webglfundamentals.org Tags: codedevelopmentwebgl Comments Why Your Company Owns Your Outside Work WebGL - Less Code, More Fun
I was hoping Chris Pruett would post a version of his talk, "Fact and Fiction: Lessons From Wind−Up Knight and Rise Of The Blobs" but he has not done so yet. The talk is available on the GDC Vault so if you attended GDC you can watch it there. It's only 23 minutes. In it he attempted to break some common myths about iOS vs Android games. Of course this is just his experience but he made the point
WebGL: How It Works 2012-09-14 This post has moved to webglfundamentals.org Tags: codewebglGLSLshaders Comments WebGL Boilerplate WebGL: 2D vs 3D Libraries
My friend Danny introduced me to Bytebeat music. There's a great introduction here. The short version of it is you write a function that given only 't' as input produces music. Danny also introduced me to glitch machine which is cool iOS app for playing with Bytebeat music. The article above also links to a couple of webpage versions, one in JavaScript and one in Flash. I like that you can edit in
If you are looking for a solution for TGA on Vista and Windows7 both 32 and 64 bit check out FastPictureViewer WIC RAW Codec Pack. Can you figure out what's different about this picture? Look close.....The difference is you are seeing thumbnails for TGA files inside Windows Explorer!!! That also means you can see them inside pretty much any file open / file save dialog. Hooray! Windows 2000 and