XML to PHP translator This code uses my XML library for PHP for XML parsing. This page also uses Formation, my forms library. Please enter the http:// address of an XML file you'd like to translate to PHP
Here's a very simple, but very complete, PHP script to print out a calendar. It does one thing, but does it well (which is how it should be). Neat bonus features include the ability to link certain days in the calendar to a web page - useful for a weblog. You can also assign stylesheet classes to specific days, and provide content for an individual day. To use this code, just save the script to y
Introduction Examples Notes Download the source Contact me History Introduction Face it, XML is a pain. This simple library tries to make it much less painful. It allows you to easily parse XML into a PHP data structure, and it allows you to serialize PHP data structures into XML. Many other programming languages have easy-to-use XML interfaces (Python's is particularly nice, AFAIK. Lots of
RSS auto-discovery with PHP I'm in the process of writing my own RSS aggregator. Naturally, I wanted to be able to use the new RSS auto-discovery method which has evolved over the past few days. Mark Pilgrim made some Javascript bookmarklets and a Python implementation to do this, but I needed a PHP implementation, so I wrote one . First the code, and then I'll explain: <?php function getRSSLocati
Index A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X All pages A AboutAcno's EnergizerArtificial IntelligenceASP.NETAtom B BashBelief systemsBookmarkletsBuild tools C C and C++C#C++ ReferenceCalvinismCars I want to considerCGIcharacter setsChessChristian ReconstructionChristian ResourcesChronicles of NarniaColor toolsComputer ScienceCornelius Van TilCSS - Cascading style sheetsCSSTabs D DatabaseDiff