Getting Started with Pirate Audio Pirate Audio is a range of digital audio boards for Raspberry Pi, with integrated album art display, tactile buttons for playback control, and a choice of audio outputs. We'll go through the following in this tutorial: What's on the boards? Which Pirate Audio board should you pick? Connecting the boards Installing and setting up the Pirate Audio software Scanning
Internet Radio on your Pirate Radio In this guide, we'll be turning your Pirate Radio into a proper internet radio. We've even configured the buttons on the pHAT BEAT to skip between stations, control the volume, and trigger a safe shutdown. The VU meter will display the volume level of your music too! We've wrapped the whole process up into a nifty one-line-installer that will install and configu
Keeping your Raspberry Pi up-to-date Before installing anything it's always good practise to make sure the Raspberry Pi software itself ( collectively known as Raspbian ) is absolutely up-to-date. Often when you get a problem, it can be due to bugs in old versions of software that have long since been fixed. We'll often ask you to update Raspbian as a first point of call when helping you solve a p
Raspberry Pi Pi Zero Getting Started with Grow by Hel Gibbons Learn how to assemble Grow and start monitoring your plants
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