In this post I describe the idea about how http://twitter.com could be used as a tool to build a collaborative database of protein-protein interactions. This idea was inspired by the recent creation of http://twitter.com/omnee: Omnee is said to be the "first organic directory for Twitter which you can control directly via your tweets": Using a tag-based structure in your tweets this gives you the
(Introduction copied from DBPedia): Wikipedia is the by far largest available encyclopedia on the Web. Wikipedia has the problem that its search capabilities are limited to full-text search, which only allows very limited access to this valuable knowledge-base.Semantic Web technologies enable expressive queries against structured information on the Web. The Semantic Web has the problem that there
As Pedro said on his blog: Google announced that their widgets (or gadgets) can now be used on third party webpages.. I've written ([here])a google gadget searching for pubmed or genbank using the NCBI EUtilies. Enjoy ! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Module> <ModulePrefs title="Search NCBI/__UP_db__" directory_title="Search NCBI/__UP_db__" description="Search Pubmed/Genbank at the Nationa
If you're looking for a new way to visualize interactively your microarray data, have a glance at the charts from Gapminder (hosted at tools.google.com) Ramona Britto said... Hi I found your suggestion very interesting indeed; I was looking to do just that. Currently my interest is in comparative genomics of germline genes. Basically, I want to compare (and contrast) the germ line with the soma an