Welcome to a very special episode. This is the 100th episode of Talk Python To Me. It's the perfect chance to take a moment and look at where we have come from, and where we are going. Not just with regard to the podcast but for Python in general. And who better to do this than Python's inventor himself. Guido van Rossum. In this episode, we discuss how Guido go into programming, where Python came
Episode #95, published Wed, Jan 18, 2017, recorded Thu, Jan 12, 2017 Google runs millions of lines of Python code. The front-end server that drives youtube.com and YouTube’s APIs is primarily written in Python, and it serves millions of requests per second! On this episode you'll meet Dylan Trotter who is working increase performance and concurrency on these servers powering YouTube. He just launc
Imagine a future where you are building that rich, client-side web app. You start by creating some backend services in Flask or Node, an HTML page, throw in a few divs and uls, and then you type [script src="main.py" language="Python"]. That future might just be possible, for the right types of applications, with Ryan Kelly's pypy.js project. Links from the show: PyPy.js: What? How? Why? - PyCon 2
Did you know that Flask has its origins in an April fools joke that unexpectedly took off? Listen in this week to hear about the history, current state, and future of Flask with its creator Armin Ronacher. You'll learn how he's using Python as the backend for a set of major computer games. His thoughts on the future of web development and HTTP 2. And why Rust is an amazing new language you should
Latest episode: #484 From React to a Django+HTMX based stack Have you heard about HTMX? We've discussed it a time or two on this show. We're back with another episode on HTMX, this time with a real-world success story and lessons learned. We have Sheena O'Connell on to tell us how she moved from a React-Django app to pure Django with HTMX. Full details »
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