Page Layers is a website screenshot app for macOS. It converts web pages to Photoshop files with separate layers for all page elements. It enables you to open web pages in Photoshop and saves you lots of time when re-designing or improving existing web page designs. Just open any page in the embedded browser and save the page as PSD with layers or as plain PNG image. In the HTML to PSD conversion
Tutorial: p2 updates for Eclipse RCP applications In this tutorial I’ll show how to make the RCP mail example application updatable using the p2 provisioning platform. This version of the tutorial is for Eclipse 3.6 from the Helios release. I assume you’re familiar with OSGi and Eclipse RCP development. If you have suggestions or ideas for improving the tutorial and its underlying approach, I’d be
5. October 2011 Git Tutorial Installation Git on Windows Git for Windows is provided as installer package by the msysgit project. Download the latest package starting with "Git-", not a "msysgit-..." package (the latter are supposed to be used to build git yourself). Git for Windows comes with a UNIX environment as far as needed by git and also ships with a Bash shell for using the git command lin
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