OpenSSL Common issues that point to an issue with an MRI Ruby compiling openssl are: require "openssl" # => false ?! Error compiling openssl due to openssl version 1.0.0* installed on the system. If you have issues with openssl not being available in ruby / irb please try the following configure option you may follow the procedure below. NOTE: Before you follow the procedure below please be sure t
Using RVM rubies with Capistrano You currently have three options: If your rvm version on the server and locally are recent enough, use the new built in integration. Enable .ssh environment variables using the PermitUserEnvironment option in your ssh configuration file Use the capistrano :default_environment setting Integration via the rvm capistrano plugin If your rvm installs on both sides are r
Bash Completion To use RVM bash completion, you can source the file: [[ -r $rvm_path/scripts/completion ]] && . $rvm_path/scripts/completion To enable completion for all new shells put the above sourcing line just below the sourcing line for RVM in your profile (.bashrc/.bash_profile/.zshenv/whatever). Usage commands and rubies $ rvm [tab][tab] debug gemdir install monitor reload ruby-1.8.7-p248 r
Donation Love RVM? A donation would help justify to my family why I spend so much time working on Open Source projects like RVM. Recommend If you like my work with RVM, please recommend me *with a comment as to why you recommend me* on Working With Rails – Thank You! IRC I am 'wayneeseguin' in #rvm on irc.freenode.net If I do not respond right away, leave a message and I'll respond or leave you a
Our Ruby on Rails starter pack is aimed at those who’ve been interested in this popular web application framework but have never gotten around to trying it out because they didn’t know where to start. Compared to traditional Ruby on Rails tutorials, this starter pack doesn’t hold your hand, teaching you the basics step by step. Instead, it serves as a general introduction to Ruby on Rails and as a
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