As a developer and sometimes system administrator, one of the scariest things I ever encounter is a server that’s been running for ages which has seen multiple upgrades of system and application software. Why? Because an old system inevitably grows warts. They start as one-time hacks during outages. A quick edit to a config file saves the day. “We’ll put it back into Chef later,” we say, as we fin
TL;DR - Empathy is the most important skill you can practice. It will lead to greater success personally and professionally and will allow you to become happier the more you practice. I’ve never considered myself a real programmer. I know at this point it’s probably silly to say, but I started my scholastic and professional life as a musician, and I’ve never quite recovered from the Impostor Syndr
I made this list for some developers at Wunderlist before I started working there, and I’ve been keeping it updated over time. Leave a comment and tell me what you’d add or change?
Early in my career, a co-worker and I were flown from Memphis to Orlando to try to help end a multi-day outage of our company’s corporate Lotus Domino server. The team in Orlando had been fire-fighting for days and had gotten nowhere. I’m not sure why they thought my co-worker and I could help. We didn’t know anything at all about Lotus Domino. But it ran on UNIX and we were pretty good with UNIX.
saxophonist, label owner, programmer, etc. Mahakala Music, my record label @chadfowlermusic @chadfowler Articles on Medium Listen to me speak at conferences, be interviewed on podcasts, and/or play music Email me at chad at chadfowler.com
This is the first in a series of articles, discussing why many software rewrite projects end badly and what to do to avoid some of the ways I've seen them go astray. You’ve got an existing, successful software product. You’ve hit the ceiling on extensibility and maintainability. Your project platform is inflexible, and your application is a software house of cards that can’t support another new fe
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