Sass-based Configuration Options Tuning Vendor Prefix Support Ruby-based Configuration Reference The compass configuration file is a ruby file, which means that we can do some clever things if we want to. But don’t let it frighten you; it’s really quite easy to set up your project. Basic format Most configuration properties are a simple assignment to a configuration property. For example: css_dir
By Chris Eppstein Compass 1.0 is now available! First, let's address the elephant in the room: This release took way too long. I can give you a list of reasons and excuses, but none of them really matter. Suffice it to say that if you ever find yourself owning an open source project that has gone unmaintained for more than a year like Compass had when I re-engaged with the project, the most pruden
By Chris Eppstein When I created compass I imagined a particular set of features Compass would have when it was done with the initial build out. I assigned that release a number of 1.0 and expected it would only take a few releases to get there. But then there was users and their needs and the features they wanted. And so there have been 77 releases at the time that I'm writing this post. And you
<div class='example'> <div class='content'>Some great content</div> <div class='sidebar'>A sidebar</div> </div> .example .content Some great content .sidebar A sidebar @import "compass/css3"; .example { @include display-box; @include box-orient(horizontal); @include box-align(stretch); @include box-direction(reverse); height: 200px; width: 100%; .content, .sidebar { padding: 20px; } .content { @in
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Provides mixins that work across many modern browsers with the latest CSS3 image rendering primitives. These mixins provide intelligent cross-browser access to properties that accept images or image-like values (e.g. gradients). The syntax is very straightforward, it is exactly like the css syntax that you would use for the corresponding CSS3 properties: Values are comma and space delimited, just
By Chris Eppstein Five years ago, Blueprint CSS was an innovative CSS Framework. It was a boilerplate before H5BP and it was the most popular CSS Grid Framework when the concept was still young. Blueprint's regular structure and common-sense approach, together with its inherent weaknesses, was a major inspiration for the development of Compass. In fact, Compass started solely as a rejected sass-ba
<div class='ex'> <div class='gradient-example'></div> <p> This box has no gradients </p> </div> <div class='ex'> <div class='gradient-example' id='radial-gradient'></div> <p> This will yield a radial gradient with an apparent specular highlight </p> </div> <div class='ex'> <div class='gradient-example' id='linear-gradient'></div> <p> This yields a linear gradient spanning from $start to $end coord
Spriting has never been easier than it is with Compass. You place the sprite images in a folder, import them into your stylesheet, and then you can use the sprite in your selectors in one of several convenient ways. **Note: Only PNG images are supported at this time using chunky_png*. Sprite Tutorial Contents Customization Options Magic Selectors Sprite Layouts Setup For this tutorial, let's imagi
The compass configuration file is a ruby file, which means that we can do some clever things if we want to. But don’t let it frighten you; it’s really quite easy to set up your project. Basic format Most configuration properties are a simple assignment to a configuration property. For example: css_dir = "stylesheets" Most configuration properties have a value that is a “basic” type. There are thre
Create a vertical rhythm for your site by setting the $base-font-size and $base-line-height variables and then including the establish-baseline mixin at the root of your document. Manage the vertical rhythm using the other vertical-rhythm mixins to adjust font and line-height values, extra vertical whitespace, borders, etc. This file can be imported using: @import "compass/typography/vertical_rhyt
Ruby on Rails Rails 3.1 Just add compass to your Gemfile like so: gem 'compass' Also checkout this gist Rails 3 compass init rails /path/to/myrailsproject Rails 2.3 rake rails:template LOCATION=http://compass-style.org/rails/installer Sinatra require 'compass' require 'sinatra' require 'haml' configure do set :haml, {:format => :html5} set :scss, {:style => :compact, :debug_info => false} Compass.
IMPORTANT: This module has been deprecated. See the new images module for the new, more flexible approach to gradients. Provides mixins to create cross-browser CSS3 gradients. This file can be imported using: @import "compass/css3/gradient" Imports Hacks – Mixins for hacking specific browsers. Images – Specify linear gradients and radial gradients for many browsers. Mixins view source linear-gradi
The CSS3 module provides cross-browser mixins for CSS properties introduced in CSS3, for example border-radius and text-shadow. What rendering engines you support for the experimental css properties is governed by the configurable variables defined in the browser support module. This file can be imported using: @import "compass/css3" Imports Animation – Specify the CSS3 animation property and all
The compass core framework is a design-agnostic framework that provides common code that would otherwise be duplicated across other frameworks and extensions. Alphabetical index of all: Variables Mixins Functions Importing This file can be imported using: @import "compass" Imports CSS3 – Provides cross browser CSS3 mixins that take advantage of available pre-spec vendor prefixes. Typography – Prov
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