Git’s commands tend to have good defaults, but also a lot of customisability via flags. But all that typing, who needs it when we have git aliases? Making a git alias via git config or .gitconfig # There are a couple of ways we can make an alias in git: using the command git config alias editing the .gitconfig file directly While you can make aliases per project, I always make ’em global via git c
Recently I came across the post by Matt Wilcox called CSS Lint is harmful, ranting about the useful free tool CSS Lint. The “Don’t use IDs in selectors” suggestion seems to have offended Matt the most, but I was surprised that many commenters also mentioned this as being a reason to avoid CSS Lint. This surprised me because smart people have been saying prefer classes to IDs for a while now. The a
Currently the HTML specification for <blockquote> reads: The blockquote element represents a section that is quoted from another source. Content inside a blockquote must be quoted from another source, whose address, if it has one, may be cited in the cite attribute. For some uses this definition is adequate. However, the phrase “content inside a blockquote must be quoted from another source” makes
Introduction # This is a personal style guide for oli.jp. I’m publishing it to share and for feedback, and also because I <strong>ly believe you should build a style guide for every site you make. Hopefully this one will give you a head start. → My CSS stylesheet is here. Assumptions & Setup # add extra styling directly to head <style>, or add per block, targeted by id and in <style scoped> e.g <t
Caution: This article is about the old Flexbox spec (display: box;) — this is not the code you want to be copying. The new CSS Flexible Box Layout Module (display: flex;) The scene in A Princess Bride where Inigo Montoya fights the Man in Black: Inigo Montoya Who are you? The Man in Black No one of consequence. Inigo Montoya I must know… The Man in Black Get used to disappointment. I’ve always tho
August 02, 2010 This is a reordered list of animatable CSS properties and their animatable values, based on the CSS Transitions Module (level 3) Editor’s Draft, plus the “Animatable:” status for each property of each CSS3 spec Editor’s Draft. This is the theory. For browser support info go to CSS Animatable Properties: Browser support, a collaboration with Rodney Rehm. You can find out more about
I’ve come across some awes flags for git diff and git log, so here they are as part of a quick intro to making git aliases. Schema.org vocabularies aren’t very well documented yet. I wanted to know what was required to change from <time pubdate> to the schema.org equivalent. The answer is less than I expected. Amazon just announced Kindle Format 8, supporting HTML5 and CSS3! Yay! But closer inspec
Or, “The mapping of HTML5 structural elements to id and class names for use with <div>s” Drawn from the fine work of Andy Clarke (Marlarkey) and Jon Tan(gerine), esq. November 20, 2008 Further reading at More on developing naming conventions, Microformats and HTML5 and Microformats: The Fine Art of Markup: hAtom by Andy, and Preparing for HTML5 with Semantic Class Names by Jon, with reference to t
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