Firefox OS: Tracking reflows and event loop lags // by Paul Rouget Hi. I'm Paul Rouget (contact). I work at Mozilla. I write code. I give talks. This is my blog (rss). Firefox OS: tracking reflows and event loop lags In Firefox OS, we want apps to run at 60FPS. To get there, it's important to avoid blocking the event loop for too long. This article explains what is the event loop, what are reflows
(at the moment, only works in Firefox 22) 28 Mar 2013 / tweet this Hi. I'm Paul Rouget (contact). I work at Mozilla. I write code. I give talks. I tweet. This is my blog (rss).
10 days ago, I asked in various channels about what web developers would like to see in the Firefox DevTools. I was impressed by the amount of answers we got (especially from HackerNews and Twitter). We computed and prioritized all these inputs. Then the DevTools team met, and spent a week hacking on these different requests. Coding in the browser & controlling the browser from editors/IDEs This i
hijacking the Firefox animation clock // by Paul Rouget Hijacking the Firefox animation clock I'm experimenting with a tool that will let the user control the animation clock used by gecko to render CSS transitions and animations, and JS animations based on requestAnimationFrame. I'm still not sure how the UI should look like yet, and how this should interact with the recently added Paint Flashing
Yesterday I landed a new feature in the Firefox DevTools: paint flashing. What it does is to highlight areas being painted by Gecko. Avoiding useless painting operations can help you to build more performant web pages. Watch the video on youtube. Note for Firefox developers: The pref nglayout.debug.paint_flashing still works, but I encourage you to try the paintflashing command: If you turn on the
"Firefox JSTerm" has been renamed "Firefox Terminal", because now, it also supports CoffeeScript and LiveScript, thanks to Paul Miller (now an official Firefox Terminal contributor). Please file bugs on github, and to give it a try, head to addons.mozilla.org. 11 Mar 2013 / tweet this Hi. I'm Paul Rouget (contact). I work at Mozilla. I write code. I give talks. I tweet. This is my blog (rss).
Firefox JavaScript Terminal // by Paul Rouget Firefox JavaScript Terminal. Install Addon (Firefox 16+) on github report bugs here JSTerm is an experimental restartless addon. It adds a "jsterm" button in the developer Toolbar (Firefox 16+). The terminal behaves like a shell terminal (history, completion on tab, key bindings, …). It's a classic REPL environnement. It uses the builtin Firefox Source
Servo, a browser engine research project // by Paul Rouget To be very clear: Servo is a research project. It is not aimed to replace Gecko. It gives us the oportunity to experiment with new approaches, new patterns and new technologies, like Rust, another research projet we are working on. You know Gecko. It's the layout engine used by Firefox. While we are still working hard on adding new feature
Responsive Mode and Layout View in Firefox 15 // by Paul Rouget I just landed these 2 tools. They should be available in Firefox 15 (and in Firefox Nightly this weekend) Responsive Mode, accessible from the Web Developer menu: Layout View, it lets you visualize the size of an element. Start the inspector (Web Developer menu) and click on the Style button:
Darkroom for Vim // by Paul Rouget A full-screen writing program or distraction-free editor is a text editor that occupies the full display with the purpose of isolating the writer from the operating system (OS) and other applications. Wikipedia I wanted that with Vim. There are ways to do it. You can play with :winpos, lines and columns to achieve this (see here). There are scripts (1, 2). But al
tl;dr: dark background: 63%, light background: 37% (There are a lot of interesting comments on hackernews about this survey) So we are working on a Code Editor for the Firefox DevTools (to edit your CSS files, or to write some JavaScript code). These days, I have been working on implementing the design of this tool. In Firefox 11, it will come with a light color scheme. In the future, we will prob
HTML5 & Friends Today and tomorrow define HTML5 markup <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <article> <video></video> <canvas></canvas> </article> </body> </html> APIs TODAY DOM Document object model XMLHttpRequest HTTP WebSockets persistent full-duplex server-sent events simple server-to-client persistent events Audio API process generate Canvas 2D Canvas 3D - webgl offline localStorage app cache File A
Mobile Web: Taiwan, Opera and WebOS I bought a WebOS device and went to Taiwan. Now I understand why the Web on Mobile is a pretty big deal. This is a pretty naïve talk about me being stuck with a phone with no (good) Apps, and observing people in Taïwan using their phones in a different way that Western people do. I don't know much about the Asian market and these observations are from a very sho
David Baron implemented CSS3 Animations in Firefox. Yeah!. You can test CSS3 Animations right now with Firefox Aurora (don't know what Firefox Aurora is? Check this out). If the implementation is good enough (please report bugs!!!), Animations will make it for Firefox 5. I've hacked a bit the famous CSS3 AT-AT demo (by Anthony Calzadilla) to make it work with Firefox (just needed to add the -moz-
THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT. Little screencast: This video is hosted by YouTube and uses the HTML5 video tag if you have enabled it (see here). YouTube video here. Alex Faaborg recently published some mockups for "Site Specific Browsers": I thought it would be a good idea to extend this concept. So here is an idea: A webpage should be able to expose native controls to the UA A webpage, if considered as
DZSlides is a one-page-template to build your presentation in HTML5 and CSS3. Download You can find the source code on github github.com/paulrouget/dzslides and download the archive here. Bugs You'll find some. Report them on Github please. Share your Shells! Create new creative shells. A pull request on github should be enough. Demos Screencast Why you should fear the Ninja Turtles. HTML5 in the