Switch 2
May 02 2011 I often have to use a select box when I’m putting together a custom form that requires a drop down list. It took me a while to figure out how to easily style the select box using only CSS since certain parts are browser specific, such as the drop down arrow. Here is how a select box will look by default: This is the HTML code: <select> <option>Here is the first option</option> <option>
Feb 07 2011 I just made a few changed to this plugin because it was acting a little weird. Tested it in Safari, Chrome and Firefox and it work perfectly now. All you need is an image that you want to have displayed as your background. Once you have that and use the plugin, the image will resize to the full width/height of the browser window. Every time the browser window resizes, so will the backg
With a few delays pushing the launch date for the new Themes by Bavotasan down the road a little bit, our team has decided to release one of our brand… Read more When WordPress 4.7 was released, an option to use a header video instead of an image was added to the Customizer. Including the feature in a theme like Arcade seemed… Read more
Jun 08 2010 Since I have been doing all this talking about WordPress 3.0, I thought it only fitting to start incorporating some if its features into my themes. The first theme to get the upgrade is Magazine Basic. Version 2.6 also has the Arturo Theme Engine v2.0 installed to give a smoother experience while configuring the theme options. The new MB is currently available for download off of WordP