I put up a blog post (almost) every day, and sometimes, I put up more than one a day. On top of this, I write for clients, write for other projects, work on books, and other things. Some of you don’t have all these other writing commitments, but still want some ideas on getting more writing out the door. Here are some thoughts into my process that I hope will give you a framework for writing a blo
You are here: Home / Blogging / 27 Blogging Secrets to Power Your Community Do you like learning about magic tricks? To me, the best magicians are the ones who share what they know. Penn and Teller are like that. They love deconstructing tricks in front of you? So, do you want to learn some blogging secrets from me? If I say they’re secrets, you’ll treasure them more, but the thing is, I share thi
You are here: Home / Blogging / 50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level Blogging is as varied in its applications as using the telephone or taking a picture. The tool doesn’t predict the output. You might be using your blog to post recipes, or to inform the local community about information you find elsewhere on the web. Maybe you’re just trying your hand at writing, and the web is as good a p
We really can’t deny the fact that businesses are testing out Twitter as part of their steps into the social media landscape. You can say it’s a stupid application, that no business gets done there, but there are too many of us (including me) that can disagree and point out business value. I’m not going to address the naysayers much with this. Instead, I’m going to offer 50 thoughts for people loo
You are here: Home / Blogging / 50 Online Applications and Sites to Consider For those of you already pretty much deep into social media applications, skip ahead and blaze through the list. If I’ve found five sites/applications that you haven’t seen or considered, leave a comment and give me a point. For the rest of you, here’s a list I put together the other day when thinking about just how much
From this article: https://baditaflorin.medium.com/unlocking-the-power-of-the-chatgpt-revolution-100-use-cases-to-try-before-you-are-fired-979e5986814c I like that I can just noodle like this. I asked it to teach me some ... Read More
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