CES 2025
作者:gugod 發佈於:2014/09/03 今年的 YAPC::Asia 又是世界最大級:參加人數 1361 人。比去年增加了約 300 人。最末一節主講,兩層樓的座位都不夠坐,連走道都坐 滿了人。參與人數年年增加,難以找到場地,乃是主辦單位最甜蜜的負荷。演講廳大小以及課程安排,會中會後的食物安排,都碰到了規 模化的難題。或許未來在日本的 YAPC,應該在各地區分別興辦,控制一下人數上限較為容易。 此次 YAPC 參加人數眾多,初次參與的人約有四成。新認識的一位聽眾才 17 歲,卻已經連續三年參加。學習程式開發的年齡似乎普遍皆 有降低的現象。或許以後會與物理、化學一般,成為基礎教育吧。 今年的場地在應慶大學協生館。應慶大學那校門口的銀杏大道,整排高聳的銀杏樹在秋季,同時轉黃,是一魅力景點。八月底為時尚早, 憾無眼福。協生館是一綜合大樓,內有連鎖咖啡店、藥局、酒吧,甚至於婚紗攝影公司。這
作者:gugod 發佈於:2011/11/03 It has been yet another great YAPC::Asia. Big thanks to JPA for the wonderful event, which has been my excuse to escape to Japan every year (grin). I have uploaded my perlbrew slide to speakerdeck.com: (Speakerdeck looks very neat. Awesome.) To Recap, @rjbs' talk, Email Hates The Living, is very entertaining. It is stated that the Email message and SMTP are sort of broken b
作者:gugod 發佈於:2010/12/06 I want to post a quick gist of recent perlbrew upgrade. New commands: use exec install-cpanm perlbrew is being gradually modified for better bash integration since 0.11. Notably, you can say perlbrew use perl-5.13.7 to switch to 5.13.7 only in current environment. This is possible by modifying $PATH directly, therefore perlbrew itself has become a bash function. You still n
作者:gugod 發佈於:2010/10/20 It has been a while since last perlbrew release and I'm very happy to release perlbrew 0.11 in my trip to YAPC::Asia, a great YAPC in Japan that keeps me hacking for perl community. This version has a very major change -- it has a better integration with bash and zsh. If you're upgrading, please re-run: perlbrew init To have a new perlbrew bashrc around. New installs should
作者:gugod 發佈於:2010/09/12 Question: What is the simplest and quickest way for a developer to specify a list of dependent CPAN modules so that other developers can easily install them ? My answer: add a cpanfile in your app directory with content like this: # cpanm < cpanfile Plack Web::Hippie Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy And the installation is just as simple as cpanm < cpanfile. This is very eas
作者:gugod 發佈於:2010/05/14 If you're on Mac, using perlbrew and try to install Net::DNS, you might see it fail with this error message: ld: in netdns.a, archive has no table of contents collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [blib/arch/auto/Net/DNS/DNS.bundle] Error 1 I'm not sure what causes it yet but I'm guessing that I need to play with some LD_LIBRARY_* variables since perlbrew installs p
作者:gugod 發佈於:2010/05/07 Ever since perlbrew was made useful, switching among different versions of perl makes it painful to re-install the required modules over and over. That's why I wrote this module-used program to rescue me. The usage of module-used is heavily inspired by tokuhirum++'s cpan-outdated program: cd /to/my/awesome-project module-used That gives you a list of module names which are
作者:gugod 發佈於:2010/03/21 ,更新於:2020/10/29 #perl #perlbrew #ruby Respond to miyagawa's cpanminus project, I bootstrap the perlbrew, it is a program that automate the the builds of perl distributions into your $HOME. This program lets you install perl like this: perlbrew install perl-5.10.1 perlbrew install perl-5.11.5 And then you can switch between versions at any time perlbrew switch perl-5.11.5 pe
作者:gugod 發佈於:2009/12/24 Dancer is a minimal web-framework for Perl world, which is entirely inspired by Sinatra in the Ruby land. It is really simple to start coding in Dancer: use Dancer; get "/" => sub { "Hello World" }; get "/hello/:name" => sub { "Hello, " . params->{name} }; Path-based dispatching rules are declared with get/post/put/delete keywords, mapping to a given action sub-routine, fro
作者:gugod 發佈於:2009/11/11 My previous playing with Tatsumaki turns out to be really useful. I ended up checking IRC logs on iPhone every day recently. This is particularly handy when I am on the bus or stuck in the traffic. I named it Social, for I want to make it do many things more the just an IRC client. The code is here: http://github.com/gugod/Social. Here's how it looks now: I made the HTML se
A jQuery outerHTML one-liner 作者:gugod 發佈於:2009/11/05 $(...).clone().wrapAll(" ").parent().html();
作者:gugod 發佈於:2009/09/13 In the YAPC::Asia Hackthon, done a really awesome hacks on PerlX::Range module with flora -- We re-implement it with XS approach so it works more robust. The current (version 0.04) implementation is to use B::OPCheck to replace the statements like: 1..100 To something like 1 + PerlX::Range->new(last => 100) This can be easily broken in many ways (inappropriate precendence,
Cucumber , the BBD tool, is something that is really brilliant. I wrote Ruby code for my work too and I tried to used this tool with watir. Again, Brilliant. And turns out there are cucumber implementations in Perl too: http://search.cpan.org/dist/cucumber/ http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Cucumber/ http://github.com/kesor/p5-cucumber/tree/master But they don’t seem to work seamlessly with TAP-fam
作者:gugod 發佈於:2009/05/09 I just happened to find a Perl Programming book on wikibooks.org, too bad that it does not have rich content on it. So I wrote a page about HTTP::Engine: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl_Programming/HTTP::Engine It feels good if the content of that book can contains at least the introductory level of web frameworks in Perl, but there are just too many of them. Also I would
作者:gugod 發佈於:2009/04/29 ,更新於:2020/10/29 #perl HTTP::Engine is an abstraction layer over several environments that an web application might be deployed under. For example, CGI, FastCGI, mod_perl, or stand-alone application server. It's not a full-featured web-appication framework, but a helpful library when writing applications. This kinds of idea is especially tasteful when it comes to testing --
作者:gugod 發佈於:2007/04/24 感謝 Shibuya.pm 出力,把所有議程錄影,並轉檔、放上 Google Video,請點擊以下的連結觀看所有影片的列表: YAPC::Asia 2007 Videos Labels: yapcasia2007
作者:gugod 發佈於:2006/01/26 ,更新於:2020/10/29 #emacs Evers since I tried TextMate, I want the small code-completion magic of that. But I can't just switch to TextMate because it totally fsck up editing Chinese text. So I stick with Emacs, and search. Then I found this snippet.el, a TextMate template add-on for Emacs. It is so great and a little buggy so I made my on little modification of it: snippet.el
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