I have been maintaining hub, the command-line git extension, for 10 years. After 2,100 issues and pull requests closed, 18k+ stars on GitHub, and countless hours invested in it, I thought it might be fitting to reflect on its unlikely past, share a bit about my process working on it, and address the future of GitHub on the command line. In 2010, the entire implementation of hub 1.0 sat in a single
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed It’s seemingly random, it mentions “SSL” five times, and happens mostly after installing a new version of Ruby or deploying code to a new server. It bites at the worst times and can make you feel small and powerless. “But I’m not a crypto expert!“, you cry. There, there [Taps you
Every line of code comes with a hidden piece of documentation. Whoever wrote line 4 of the following code snippet decided to access the clientLeft property of a DOM node for some reason, but do nothing with the result. It’s pretty mysterious. Can you tell why they did it, or is it safe to change or remove that call in the future? // ... if (duration > 0) this.bind(endEvent, wrappedCallback) this.g
The short: git pull --rebase instead of git pull git rebase -i @{u} before git push (on “feature”) git merge master to make feature compatible with latest master (on “master”) git merge --no-ff feature to ship a feature However if “feature” contains only 1 commit, avoid the merge commit: (on “master”) git cherry-pick feature The long: If you enjoy this post, check out my git tips you didn’t know a
I’ve had an off/on relationship with Vim for the past many years. Before, I never felt like we understood each other properly. I felt that the kind of programming I’m doing is not easily done without plugins and some essential settings in .vimrc, but fiddling with all the knobs and installing all the plugins that I thought I needed was a process that in the end stretched out from few hours to week
Faraday is a library for making HTTP requests and to serve as a backbone for writing API wrapper libraries such as twitter. It has an interesting philosophy, but to really appreciate it you must first understand what problem it solves. In the beginning, there was an ordinary HTTP request: require 'net/http' data = Net::HTTP.get URI.parse('https://api.github.com/repos/technoweenie/faraday') Here we
Gone are the days when we could safely assume that most our site visitors would have at least a 1024px-wide screen resolution. With smartphones and tablet computers on the rise, you visitors could also be browsing the web with screen widths ranging from 320px upwards. Does your site look good on a 768px-wide canvas? That’s how people will see it using a portrait-oriented iPad. Time to revisit that
Notice: some of these commands or flags require git version 1.7.2. On OS X, upgrade easily with Homebrew: brew install git Show branches, tags in git log 7466000 (HEAD, mislav/master, mislav) fix test that fails if current dir is not "hub" 494a414 fix cherry-pick of a commit URL 4277848 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) whoops d270fae bugfix: git init -g 9307af3 test deps 8ccc17e http://github.
JavaScript is a scripting language where semicolons as statement terminators are optional, as in: op·tion·al (adjective) Available to be chosen but not obligatory However, there is a lot of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) around this feature and, as a result, most developers in our community will recommend always including semicolons, just to be safe. Safe from what? I’ve been searching for rea
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