Why Always Docker? Sun 17 January 2016 I love Docker. I’ve recently spent a lot of time learning about both Docker & Kubernetes. Combined with stateless containers they provide fantastic scalability, service discovery and near-instant deploy times (excluding initial image build!). There is a trend, however, of using Docker containers for everything, and this makes no sense to me. . Let’s look at a
pngquant vs pngcrush vs optipng vs pngnq Tue 14 January 2014 A couple of days ago I saw pngquant appear on Hacker News. I’d never really looked in depth into image compression, and after reading up on the subject I scanned through the comments on HN, discovering a number of alternative png (and other formats) optimisers. So I decided to benchmark/compare pngquant, pngcrush, optipng and pngnq. Setu
As part of my final year dissertation I've been learning about building web servers & apps using Lua, LuaJIT, LuaJIT+Nginx & Node. Because it's relatively simple to implement a basic HTTP server in each, I decided to run some benchmarks to compare them. Setup/Notes Nginx+LuaJIT has 1 worker process All three are 'non-blocking' on IO operations Each is set to only write "hello world" Mostly looking
The pointless ramblings of Nick Barrett, a (mostly web) hacker.
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