iPhone 16e
The conversion schematics is shown below: JNTA transliteration As every JIS X 0213 characters maps to its Unicode counterpart, the conversion is done only with the single JNTA character mappings table. MJ transliteration Transliteration is done in two phases: Conversion from Unicode to MJ character mappings. While not all characters in the MJ characters table map to Unicode, each MJ code has diffe
Unverified details These details have not been verified by PyPI Project links Homepage Meta License: Freeware (MIT) Author: SuHun Han Tags google, translate, translator Googletrans is a free and unlimited python library that implemented Google Translate API. This uses the Google Translate Ajax API to make calls to such methods as detect and translate. Compatible with Python 3.6+. For details refer
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View statistics for this project via Libraries.io, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery Meta License: BSD License (The BSD 3-Clause License) Author: Yukino Ikegami Tags emotion, analysis pymlask is a Python version of ML-Ask (eMotive eLement and Expression Analysis system) For details about ML-Ask, See http://arakilab.media.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/~ptaszynski/repository/mlask.htm See also h
Unverified details These details have not been verified by PyPI Project links Homepage Meta License: MIT License (MIT) Author: CyberZHG Keras BERT [中文|English] Implementation of the BERT. Official pre-trained models could be loaded for feature extraction and prediction. Install pip install keras-bert Usage Load Official Pre-trained Models Tokenizer Train & Use Use Warmup Download Pretrained Checkp
Unverified details These details have not been verified by PyPI Project links Homepage Meta License: BSD License (BSD) Maintainer: Paul O'Leary McCann Provides-Extra: unidic, unidic-lite This is a Python wrapper for the MeCab morphological analyzer for Japanese text. It currently works with Python 3.8 and greater. Note: If using MacOS Big Sur, you'll need to upgrade pip to version 20.3 or higher t
Unverified details These details have not been verified by PyPI Project links Homepage Meta License: MIT License (MIT) Author: Daniel Kaiser Tags chromedriver, chrome, browser, selenium, splinter Downloads and installs the chromedriver binary version 131.0.6735.0 for automated testing of webapps. The installer supports Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems. Alternatively the package chromedri
Module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages. Unverified details These details have not been verified by PyPI Project links Homepage Meta License: Apache Software License (Apache License, Version 2.0) Author: Mišo Belica Tags data mining, automatic summarization, data reduction, web-data extraction, NLP, natural language processing, latent semantic analysis, LSA, TextRank, L
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