Most people who would bother with the matter at all would admit that the layout of Go projects is in a bad way. To pkg, or not to pkg, that is the question. To put your project’s libraries under a directory named pkg, or not? The pkg convention started when, prior to Go 1, the Go team put the stdlib in $GOROOT/src/pkg. Later they deleted the pkg directory and moved the stdlib to $GOROOT/src. (Brad
$ git grep <regexp>Try it out on a project, then try the same search with ack and grep and you see that we have speed that’s better than either grep or ack. But we can make some improvements: Allow extended regular expressions $ git config --global grep.extendRegexp true git can also support full blown Perl regular expressions as well, by compiling git with libpcre. Easy for homebrew users: $ brew
It’s a bit tricky to install Ruby on Mac OS X Maverick (10.9), but here’s what worked for me. Upgrade to Mavericks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/os-x-mavericks/id675248567 Upgrade to Xcode 5: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835 Install the old C compiler to support apps on Ruby 1.8: brew install apple-gcc42 Let the old compiler know about Xcode 5. Add this to your shell config fil
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