CS388/AI388/DSC395T: Natural Language Processing (online MS) These are the course materials for an online masters course in NLP. All lectures are videos available on YouTube. If you are enrolled in on-campus CS388 or CS371N, this is not the correct website for your course. Note on enrollment for on-campus students: These courses are listed in the course catalog as "Natural Language Processing-WB".
LIBPMF -- A Library for Large-scale Parallel Matrix Factorization Version 1.42 is released on Jan 03, 2020. Make Python 3 interface compatiable. Version 1.41 is released on April 24, 2014. A small bug in the R interface is fixed. Version 1.4 is released on Sep 23, 2013. A matlab interface is included. Version 1.3 is released on Aug 28, 2013. The option to support nonnegative constraints is include
Cooperating sequential processes Table of Contents. Preface. 0. Introduction 1. On the Nature of Sequential Processes. 2. Loosely Connected Processes. 2.1 . A Simple Example. 2.2. The Generalized Mutual Exclusion Problem. 2.3. A Linguistic Interlude. 3. The Mutual Exclusion Problem Revisited. 3.1. The Need for a More Realistic Solution. 3.2. The Synchronizing Primitives. 3.3. The Synchronizing Pri
The Most Dangerous Code in the World: Validating SSL Certificates in Non-Browser Software Martin Georgiev The University of Texas at Austin Subodh Iyengar Stanford University Suman Jana The University of Texas at Austin Rishita Anubhai Stanford University Dan Boneh Stanford University Vitaly Shmatikov The University of Texas at Austin ABSTRACT SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the de facto standard fo
Core Featherweight Java (cFJ) is a variant of Featherweight Java without casts. This Coq development is meant to demonstrate how to design mechanized metatheory definitions and proofs in an extensible way. There are a number of different features that can be added to uFJ to build new variants of the language. These proofs were checked with Coq version version 8.3pl2. Earlier versions of Coq might
1/18/11 8:42 AMRoundoff Error and the Patriot Missile Page 1 of 2http://mate.uprh.edu/~pnm/notas4061/patriot.htm Roundoff Error and the Patriot Missile Robert Skeel The March 13 issue of Science carried an article claiming, on the basis of a report from the General Accounting Office (GAO), that a "minute mathematical error ... allowed an Iraqi Scud missile to slip through Patriot missile defenses
The Humble Programmer by Edsger W. Dijkstra As a result of a long sequence of coincidences I entered the programming profession officially on the first spring morning of 1952 and as far as I have been able to trace, I was the first Dutchman to do so in my country. In retrospect the most amazing thing was the slowness with which, at least in my part of the world, the programming profession emerged,
A Linear Time Majority Vote Algorithm This algorithm, which Bob Boyer and I invented in 1980 decides which element of a sequence is in the majority, provided there is such an element. How would you determine the majority element of: sequence: A A A C C B B C C C B C C You could count the number of occurrences of each element. Here is how we do it, in one pass. For details, see MJRTY - A Fast Major
The program Graclus (latest: Version 1.2) is a fast graph clustering software that computes normalized cut and ratio association for a given undirected graph without any eigenvector computation. This is possible because of the mathematical equivalence between general cut or association objectives (including normalized cut and ratio association) and the weighted kernel k-means objective. One import
Programming Considered as a Human Activity. by Edsger W. Dijkstra 1. Introduction. By way of introduction I should like to start this talk with a story and a quotation. The story is about the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, who was willing to reach his goals by lengthy computations. Once somebody complained about the ugliness of his methods, upon which complaint Boltzmann defended his way of working b
Instructor Raymond J. Mooney, office hours: Tu 11am-12pm, Thu 2-3pm (in person in GDC 3.806 or on Zoom by appointment via email) Teaching Assistant Sumaya M Al-Bedaiwi, salbedaiwi@utexas.edu, Office hours: Mon 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM, Wed 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the GDC Basement. Time and Place Fall, 2024; TuTh 9:30-11:00 AM; GDC 5.302 (in-person, no Zoom option). General Course Information Basic course i
Are there reasons to prefer one convention to the other? Yes, there are. The observation that conventions a) and b) have the advantage that the difference between the bounds as mentioned equals the length of the subsequence is valid. So is the observation that, as a consequence, in either convention two subsequences are adjacent means that the upper bound of the one equals the lower bound of the o
(If what you want is an interface to X Windows for GCL, that is here.) For a complete installation of Gnu Common Lisp get gcl-2.6.1.exe (15 MB download, 60 MB to install). Unfortunately, at present this version of GCL produces a ^M (Return) character at the end of each line when used within Emacs. For convenience, a version of GCL for Windows, renamed gcl.exe, is available for download here (3.4 M
Edsger Wybe Dijkstra was one of the most influential members of computing science’s founding generation. Among the domains in which his scientific contributions are fundamental are algorithm design programming languages program design operating systems distributed processing formal specification and verification design of mathematical arguments In addition, Dijkstra was intensely interested in tea
Here is the list of defining words in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE). All definitions in the dictionary are written using the words in the defining vocabulary (or words defined elsewhere in the dictionary). The defining vocabulary was chosen using common English frequency lists. Funny web searches that have brought people here Ken Barker home a ability about above abroa
GMailRSS: GMail as an RSS reader [ Motivation ] [ Download ] [ Requirements ] [ Documentation ] [ Screenshots ] [ Known bugs ] [ Updates ] [ End notes ] [ My feeds ] [ Contact ] [ Google reaction ] Motivation After toying around with a bunch of RSS readers I concluded that using GMail as an RSS reader is a very good option, for the following main reasons: Since GMail stores all state on
Welcome to the ACL2 home page! We highlight a few aspects of ACL2: Libraries (Books). Libraries of books (files containing definitions and theorems) extend the code that we have written. In particular, the distribution tarball includes the community books, which are contributed and maintained by the members of the ACL2 community. Documentation. There is an extensive user's manual for the ACL2 syst
A group of volunteers is undertaking to transcribe the EWDs and other documents to simple HTML files, in order to make them both searchable and accessible to the visually impaired. If you might be interested in lending a hand in this effort, please read this. The transcriptions completed so far, and those in progress, are indexed here: