tldr; Let's unite around the idea of frontend tooling by creating a #DivOps community. Join our Discordhttps://join.slack.com/t/divopsdevs/shared_invite/enQtOTcxMjQ5MzUxMjcwLWIwNGQzMmRjNjkwMWNjNmEyMjY0ZmRjNzRkNzgzMTgxNjJiNjNlZTg2MmIzYmQyOTg1MmEzOWJjMWZiN2IxMWE (being deprecated for slack, but feel free to hang for now)https://www.reddit.com/r/divops/https://www.divops.dev/ (help wanted, I'm not a
Typescript is a powerful way to build applications. It offers type checking to catch errors before they make it to the browser. On top of just utilizing typescript to catch bugs, it's still important to make sure Typescript code is tested. Facebook released a testing framework called Jest a while ago as that contains many built in features. You can kind of compare Jest to Mocha in saying that Jest
In a world where JavaScript is arguably the most popular tool for building software these days, it seems like it's everywhere now. With node.js, it's on the backend, with Electron it's native on your machine, with React Native, it's native on your phone. There's no doubt that JavaScript is nothing but at least pervasive across so many ecosystems. So, the next question I have is, if JavaScript is s
I've been writing a lot of ES6(ES2015) at Lonely Planet the past few months. It comes with so many welcome changes to JavaScript, and with tools like Babel, you can use almost all of its features and even ES7(ES2016) features as well. Tools for documenting ES6+ are now rolling out as well, and one great such tool is called ESDoc. ESDoc is itself written in ES6+ code. JSDoc has issues open for supp
Using Typescript in node.js scripts without actually writing Typescript 3 months ago I've been really diving into wrapping my brain around React.js and Flux architecture the last couple of weeks. Not going to lie, I've been avoiding it. When I look at the docs and blog posts about Flux, and React, my brain goes... Things like componentDidMount, and Dispatchers, and ActionCreators, etc etc initiall