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Art Direction / Design / Animation
Andrew is an award winning art photographer based in Australia. His photography has been exhibited in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Museum, and galleries in Sydney, London, Quebec City and Prague. In 2011, Andrew was awarded International Environmental Photographer of the Year in London. And in 2016, his works were acquired by the MAMA National Photography Prize; a showcase of Austra
Portfolio Website BuilderUpload your work, pick a template and your domain. Looks great out of the box, and is easy to tweak. Trusted by top creatives and the agencies that use Krop to find and hire them.
BioBorn in 1977 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Kim works mainly in the field of architecture photography. www.holtermand.dk
We, Me and Mister Jones are creative duo Tom Merckx and Fanny Khoo who between us, cover every facet of creating and building powerful, intuitive brands. And yes, we do mean every facet – from researching the market background, through developing compelling strategies, to all aspects of creative execution, including supposedly specialist areas such as interiors and interactive. www.meandmrjones.co
Made for Visual ThinkersPhotographers, designers, illustrators, and other creative professionals use Krop to build and manage their own portfolio websites without having to learn a complicated platform or needing to hire a web developer.
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