IMPORTANT: The YUI library is no longer actively maintained. Please see this announcement for more information. YUI is a free, open source JavaScript and CSS library for building richly interactive web applications. Get Started Start using YUI 3.18.1 in two easy steps.
YUI Blog Development Ryuichi Okumura is now a YUI Committer! Ryuichi Okumura is now a YUI Committer! We are happy to announce a new Committer to the YUI project, Ryuichi Okumura (@okuryu). Ryuichi has been a developer on the Yahoo! Japan platform group for over 6 years, and hopes to work on both the Intl and Calendar components. Welcome Ryuichi!
We are happy to announce the release of YUI 3.11.0! You can find it now on the Yahoo! CDN, via npm, or download it directly. The YUI Library website has also been updated to reflect the changes in this release. There have been lots of changes across the board in this release , many of which are listed below. Performance Improvements Through Attribute and Base Changes Continuing the theme of perfor
Yesterday at CSSConf, we launched Pure - a new CSS library. Phew! Here are the slides from the presentation: Although it looks pretty minimalist, we’ve been working on Pure for several months. After many iterations, we have released Pure as a set of small, responsive, CSS modules that you can use in every web project. You can learn more about Pure on its homepage, or through the GitHub repo. Pure
We are pleased to announce the release of YUI 3.10.0! You can find it on the Yahoo CDN, via direct download, or npm. The YUI Library website has also been updated with the latest documentation. This release has a number of new features and fixes since YUI 3.9.1. Some of these are listed below. 4x Attribute and Base Performance Improvements As detailed in our PR1 blog post, we made significant perf
We're using Yeti to test YUI on all of our Target Environments. In CI, we use Yeti with Selenium to start and stop browsers. Today's release improves issues we've found while using Yeti with Selenium. Here's what's new in 0.2.21. Use Only Launched Browsers When specifying browsers to launch, Yeti 0.2.21 will ignore browsers that are manually connected and will only use browsers launched by Seleniu
YUI Compressor has been a great tool for obfuscating and compressing JavaScript and CSS files for several years, but as the web continues to evolve and change, so do the tools we use to develop it. YUI Compressor will be going through a deprecation process as the YUI team moves to using a custom-wrapped UglifyJS for JavaScript compression and a more fully updated and maintained version of CSSMin f
YUI Blog Development YUI and Travis sitting in a git-tree YUI and Travis sitting in a git-tree Over the last few weeks, I have spent a great deal of time getting YUI's core tests executing on Travis CI. As of today, every push to our YUI 3 repo on GitHub results in over 6,000 (6,053 to be exact) unit tests being executed and logged. These tests include 1,130 of our core JavaScript-only unit tests
YUI Blog Development YUIDoc 0.3.0 is Official! YUIDoc 0.3.0 is Official! Today we are pleased to announce the official release of the new YUIDoc, our JavaScript documentation generator. YUIDoc is a Node.js application that generates API documentation from comments in source, using a syntax similar to tools like Javadoc and Doxygen. YUIDoc is currently powering the API documentation for YUI and has
YUI Blog Development YUI Theater -- Douglas Crockford: "Principles of Security" (60 min.) YUI Theater -- Douglas Crockford: "Principles of Security" (60 min.) In this talk from the March 5, 2012 BayJax event at Yahoo!, Douglas Crockford outlines the basic principles of designing secure software, with a focus on web applications. With his usual sardonic wit, he starts at the beginning (almost liter
YUI Blog Development What is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of this? JavaScript is an amalgam of good parts and bad parts. Its best parts came from Self (prototypes) and Scheme (lexically scoped nested functions). But the interaction of those two very good parts produced some bad parts. When a function is called with the function invocation pattern, its this is not bound to the outer fun
YUI Blog Development YUI 3.5.0 PR4 Is Now Available YUI 3.5.0 PR4 Is Now Available Illustration is adapted from a photo by Michael Myers (@Fristle on Flickr)YUI 3.5.0 Preview Release 4, the last preview before the official release, is now available to the developer community for feedback and testing on the Yahoo! CDN at yui.yahooapis.com/3.5.0pr4/build/yui/yui-min.js, or as a download if you plan
YUI Blog Development YUI Theater -- Stephen Woods: "Creating Responsive HTML5 Touch Interfaces" (24 min.) YUI Theater -- Stephen Woods: "Creating Responsive HTML5 Touch Interfaces" (24 min.) At the February 6, 2012 BayJax event at Yahoo!, Flickr Frontend Engineer Stephen Woods (@ysaw) shared his hard-won advice for building responsive touch-based interfaces using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. He als
YUI Blog Development YUI Theater -- Gonzalo Cordero: "Yahoo! Local Mobile Case Study" (33 min.) YUI Theater -- Gonzalo Cordero: "Yahoo! Local Mobile Case Study" (33 min.) In this talk from YUIConf 2011, Yahoo! frontend engineer Gonzalo Cordero (@goonieiam) reveals how Yahoo! Local used YUI 3 to develop their iOS app using a native Objective-C wrapper with HTML5 and YUI running in a UIWebView. He a
YUI Blog Development App Framework Changes in YUI 3.5.0 App Framework Changes in YUI 3.5.0 Since the initial release of the App Framework in YUI 3.4.0, we've been astonished by how quickly it's been adopted. In projects large and small, both long-time YUI users and those who are completely new to the library have been enthusiastically using the App Framework's MVC components and providing great fe
The YUI 3.4.1 short cycle release is now available on CDN and for download, more than a week early! Here are a few highlights for this release: Over 150 bug fixes for Controller, Panel, DataTable, Calendar, and a number of other modules. Bug fixes to Y.substitute() by YUI contributor Satyam. Japanese language support for Calendar and Console, courtesy of YUI contributor Ryuichi Okumura. Miscellane
YUI Blog Development Announcing YUI 3.4.0 and the new YUILibrary.com Announcing YUI 3.4.0 and the new YUILibrary.com The YUI team has not one, but two announcements to share today. First, we have launched a completely revised YUILibrary.com. The new site is a ground up rewrite providing a unified destination for all YUI documentation, a cleaner UI, and more intuitive organization on top of a robus
YUI Blog Development YUI Theater — Jenny Donnelly: "Introduction to Git" (53 min.) YUI Theater — Jenny Donnelly: "Introduction to Git" (53 min.) YUI uses Git to host all of its project code, and all of its open-sourced code is hosted on GitHub. Git is an exciting departure from traditional version control systems like CVS and SVN because the notion of distribution is embedded in its DNA. YUI engin
The YUI Team is pleased to announce the general availability of YUI 3.3.0, the latest release in our JavaScript and CSS library. If you use Yahoo's CDN, you can upgrade by switching your seed file to YUI 3.3.0; you can also download the 3.3.0 distribution from YUILibrary.com. Some things to look for in this release: Firefox 4, IE9, and Android 2.2 support — With YUI 3.3.0, we've tested extensively
This is the time and season when people all over the world forget their differences and come together in peace and fellowship to celebrate the first anniversary of the ECMA General Assembly’s approval of The ECMAScript Programming Language Standard, Fifth Edition. The most important feature in ES5 is the new Strict Mode. Strict Mode is an opt-in mode that repairs or removes some of the language’s
YUI Blog YUI Theater YUI Theater — Ryan Grove: "Introducing YUI 3 AutoComplete" (42 min.) YUI Theater — Ryan Grove: "Introducing YUI 3 AutoComplete" (42 min.) In this talk from YUIConf 2010, YUI 3 AutoComplete author Ryan Grove (@yaypie) takes you on a whirlwind tour of some of the many autocomplete patterns made possible by this component (which is coming in the soon-to-be-released YUI 3.3.0) and
YUI Blog Development CSS Quick Tip: CSS Arrows and Shapes Without Markup CSS Quick Tip: CSS Arrows and Shapes Without Markup Nate Cavanaugh is the Director of User Interface Engineering for Liferay Inc., in which he helps guide not only the interface for end user products, but also the interface for different development methodologies. Nate currently heads up Liferay's AlloyUI project, which is bu
YUI Blog Development CSS Quick Tip: Inline Boxes with Bottom Alignment CSS Quick Tip: Inline Boxes with Bottom Alignment The challenge Keeping a submit button at the bottom of a line box, aligned with form controls positioned below their label (Figure 1). The tricky part If the containing block is not wide enough for the submit button to flow next to the other controls, that button must show at th
Notes: The dagger symbol (as in "Firefox 3.6.�") indicates that the most-current non-beta version at that branch level receives support.Code that may be used on pages with unknown doctypes should be tested in IE7 quirks mode.Code that may appear in IE8's "compatibility mode," which emulates but is not identical to IE7, should be tested explicitly in compatibility mode.No guidance is given on iOS o
YUI Blog Development In the YUI 3 Gallery: Extensions for SVG, Created for SVG Wow! In the YUI 3 Gallery: Extensions for SVG, Created for SVG Wow! Introduction SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) provides a declarative syntax for interactive, animated 2D graphics: shapes, images and text. SVG support is part of the HTML 5 specification and SVG is implemented by all major browsers, including Microsoft's
YUI Blog CSS 101 clearfix Reloaded + overflow:hidden Demystified clearfix Reloaded + overflow:hidden Demystified About the author: Thierry Koblentz is a front-end engineer at Yahoo! He owns TJK Design and ez-css.org. You can follow Thierry on Twitter at @thierrykoblentz . clearfix and overflow:hidden may be the two most popular techniques to clear floats without structural markup. This short artic
About the Author: Eric Ferraiuolo is a Director of TipTheWeb and Co-Founder of Oddnut Software. He writes on his blog: 925 HTML, and can be found on Twitter: @ericf. Eric was a featured presenter at YUIConf 2009. TipTheWeb is a new service that lets people directly support their favorite web content by tipping it. For instance, if you find a great blog post, you could tip it 25 cents. TipTheWeb is
YUI Blog Development Introducing Yeti: The YUI Easy Testing Interface Introducing Yeti: The YUI Easy Testing Interface Testing JavaScript is an important but often overlooked part of web development. One reason is because developing for the web means targeting more than one browser. YUI currently classifies 11 different environments that enjoy our highest support level. In addition, we also test Y
YUI Blog Development YUI 3.2.0 Preview Release 1: Touch Event Support, Gestures, Transitions, CSS Grids, ScrollView, Uploader, and More YUI 3.2.0 Preview Release 1: Touch Event Support, Gestures, Transitions, CSS Grids, ScrollView, Uploader, and More The YUI contributor's team is pleased to announce the first developer preview of the upcoming YUI 3.2.0 release. This preview provides an opportunity
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