CSS3 Button Generator lets you visually style an ordinary HTML link into a sleek button using all the new goodies of CSS3. This includes gradient backgrounds, rounded corners, drop shadows, and even tranforms. Throw in support for CSS3 animations that lets you gradually change from the button's default state to its hover state, and you got one sexy looking button without the overhead of images!
CSS Drive CSS Compressor Use this utility to compress your CSS to increase loading speed and save on bandwidth as well. You can choose from three levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. The "Normal" mode should work well in most cases, creating a good balance between the two. Updated: July 13th, 07' to fix compressor from not
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Welcome to CSS Drive's Image to Colors Palette Generator! Upload an image to generate a color palette based on the image's primary colors. Useful for quickly grabbing a particular color within an image for inspiration.
Author: Josh Jones Candy Menu is a stylish CSS drop down menu that's comes in six provocative colors to get you started: To get the menu, download "candymenu.zip". It is a zipped folder (.zip) that includes the following: PSD Source File Working demos of each menu CSS StyleSheet All images needed If you want to change the color of the menu in the PSD file, use the "Adjustment Layers" included with
CSS Drive Menu Designs Browse By Category: Horizontal Menus | Vertical Menus | Full Screen Menus | Multiple levels Menus | Fixed Menus | Hamburger Based Menus | Off Canvas Menus | Drop Down Menus | In Page Menus | Icon Based Menus Last 12 Menu Designs Hisense Drop Down Menu (0) Posted On: 09/22/2017
How to Setup your Desk as a Programmer As a programmer, your desk is the platform to everything you do. Every line of code you write, CSS you minify or updates you push out is done right there. See how to set up your desk for maximum productivity.
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