David Mumford Archive for Reprints, Notes, Talks, and Blog Abelian varieties are from a complex analytic point of view the simplest possible spaces — just tori and thus groups. But the curious thing is that tori don't fit easily into projective space. The sidebar shows the Kummer quartic with its sixteen double points: a 2-dimensional principally polarized Abelian variety mod inversion mapped to 3
David Mumford Archive for Reprints, Notes, Talks, and Blog John Tate and I were asked by Nature magazine to write an obituary for Alexander Grothendieck. Now he is a hero of mine, the person that I met most deserving of the adjective "genius". I got to know him when he visited Harvard and John, Shurik (as he was known) and I ran a seminar on "Existence theorems". His devotion to math, his disdain
Cygwin on portable storage devices Ali Devin Sezer, 5 Feb 2005 Cygwin is a software package that enables one to work in a UNIX-like environment under a Windows machine. It is fast, reliable and easy to install. It has most of the applications one uses on UNIX (gcc, X, xfig, latex, Perl, bash, ps tools, textutils,...) and most of it is covered by the GNU public license. Cygwin supports many flavor