The RGB Hex colour chart is a very large (183kB) PNG file, and is sized to fit on a standard A4 piece of paper. It shows the 216 so-called "web safe" or "non-dithering" colours (there are actually only 22 web safe colours, but those are revolting). Colour Chart, PNG, 48KBColour Chart, PDF, 199KB If you link to this resource, please link to this page and not to the image directly. And finally, i
Overview The CSS cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet, listing all selectors (as of CSS 2.1) and properties. It includes a visual example of the box model, unit reference for CSS units and the various media types CSS makes allowance for. This is the second version of the CSS cheat sheet. The previous version can be found at http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/css-cheat-sheet-version-1/.
Overview The mod_rewrite cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet, listing flags for the RewriteRule and RewriteCond directives, list of server variables, a regular expression guide and several examples of common rules. If you're new to URL rewriting, you might find my article on URL Rewriting for Beginners useful. This is the second version of the mod_rewrite cheat sheet. The previous version
The HTML Character Entities cheat sheet is designed to act as a reference sheet, listing the various character codes in HTML. PNG, 122KBPDF, 959KB Description In keeping with the other cheat sheets, here's a thumbnail of the cheat sheet and brief description. It's really pretty simple, this one. There are four columns. Each of those columns is further divided into three. On the left is the actu
The HTML cheat sheet is a one-page A4 printable document, designed to provide a quick reference for HTML. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size HTML cheat sheet. PNG, 77KBPDF, 563KB In case you didn't already know, there is a complementary CSS Cheat Sheet available as well. I have been working on this particular cheat
The JavaScript cheat sheet is designed to act as a reminder and reference sheet, listing methods and functions of JavaScript. It includes reference material for regular expressions in JavaScript, as well as a short guide to the XMLHttpRequest object. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size JavaScript cheat sheet. PNG, 96KB
The MySQL cheat sheet is designed to act as a reminder and reference sheet, listing useful information about MySQL. It includes a list of the available functions in MySQL, as well as data types. It also includes a list of MySQL functions available in PHP, and a list of useful sample queries to select data from a database. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient
Note: It turns out there is actually already a rather nice Microformats Cheat Sheet available (in PDF), by Brian Suda. That'll teach me to search for other cheat sheets before starting work on mine! The Microformats cheat sheet is designed to be printed on an A4 sheet of paper and live by a designer or developer's desk, to make life a bit easier. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follow
Overview The Regular Expressions cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet. It is a guide to patterns in regular expressions, and is not specific to any single language. This is the second version of the Regular Expressions cheat sheet. The previous version can be found at http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet-version-1/. If you like the cheat sheets, and want t
The Ruby On Rails cheat sheet is designed to be printed on an A4 sheet of paper and live by a developers desk, to make life a bit easier. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size Ruby On Rails cheat sheet. PNG, 100KBPDF, 753KB I am no expert in Ruby, On Rails or off, so to ensure this cheat sheet was as useful as possible,
Overview The PHP cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet, listing date format arguments, regular expression syntax and common functions. This is the second version of the PHP cheat sheet. The previous version can be found at http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/php-cheat-sheet-version-1/. If you like the cheat sheets, and want to say thanks, please consider buying me something from my Amazo
Greasemonkey is a truly impressive addition to Firefox and will be IS a nice addition to Opera 8. In simple terms, it allows you to write custom JavaScripts to run on any sites you like (or even all sites). There is a fairly healthy group of scripts already available, and many more surely on the way. Auto-Save Forms This script saves all text in forms to a cookie for you as you type. If you any r
The second version of the Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet, a quick reference guide for regular expressions, including symbols, ranges, grouping, assertions and some sample patterns to get you started.