Simple Tooltips w/ CSS & jQuery Tutorial by Soh Tanaka | Visit Tutorial Ut dolus ullamcorper, gravis ad eu typicus. Similis nulla augue aliquam importunus eu, dolor erat letalis persto. Autem qui, vel patria elit refero si. Letalis augue accumsan vulputate aptent vel aptent iusto ullamcorper vero. delenit hos dolore occuro tation euismod eum quadrum si nulla saepius nutus wisi foras. Commodo Paula
Latest Word » Tutorials » Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS Oct.4.2010 Simple Tooltip w/ jQuery & CSS Tags: Intermediate There are a lot of tooltip plugins out there, but not many of them explain what exactly goes on in the logic of a tooltip. I would like to share how I’ve created mine today, and am also open to any critiques and suggestions for those jQuery ninjas out there. Lets take a look. The M
I recently developed a site for a client who requested their product listings be displayed similar to how Johnny Cupcakes (Street wear brand from Boston/Los Angeles) lays out their products (columns laid out in a zig zag pattern). My first instinct was to split each section into its own list, but since this site was running on a CMS, all products had to be spit out in one giant list. Given this sc
Latest Word » Tutorials » Popout Details on Hover w/ CSS Aug.2.2010 Popout Details on Hover w/ CSS Tags: Intermediate I recently saw a hover over trick that caught my eye and I thought it was a pretty clever way of showing more details on an element. I decided to give it a try and the solution was quite simple. The columns are made up of unordered list items, within each list item is the thumbnai
Latest Word » Tutorials » Noise Texture in Photoshop Jul.25.2010 Noise Texture in Photoshop Tags: Beginner, Photoshop I wanted to switch it up this week to do a quick tip on how to create noise (grainy) textures with Photoshop to add subtle detail to your next project. A lot of times I feel that its the small and subtle details that really makes a project shine. Let’s get started. 1. Fill Base Lay
Light Shadow Os epulae, abico commoveo neo valetudo, camur luctus ut autem validus camur luctus. Minim reprobo, eu, enim, abbas cui duis premo incassum te obruo abluo nostrud. Hendrerit, dolore laoreet, imputo autem elit esse. Ventosus veniam uxor tum nostrud duis eu cogo ad, tamen hendrerit vel quis. Nostrud et ad qui nostrud, reprobo sagaciter elit. Pressed Os epulae, abico commoveo neo valetud
Latest Word » Tutorials » Have Fun w/ Borders – Beveled, Pressed, & More! Jun.22.2010 Have Fun w/ Borders – Beveled, Pressed, & More! Tags: Beginner Since I released my new redesigned blog, a lot of people have asked me how I styled the pressed effect on my category navigation. I would like to share some simple border style tricks to get various effects for your next project. Light Shadow A simple
Los Angeles Web Designer | Web Designer & Front-end Developer - Soh Tanaka Servicing All of Los Angeles County, South Bay Torrance, and more.
Latest Word » Tutorials » Correcting Orphans w/ Overflow May.2.2010 Correcting Orphans w/ Overflow Tags: Beginner, Quick Tip The overflow property in CSS can be used in various ways and comes in handy when correcting bugs. Below are some tutorials that demonstrate how to clear up some common issues using the overflow property. After checking them out, I have one more to add to the list. The CSS Ov
Latest Word » Tutorials » CSS Sprites w/out Using Background Images Jun.3.2010 CSS Sprites w/out Using Background Images Tags: Beginner Recently I was working on a client site and he wanted a hover effect on some of the affiliate banner ads. The first approach in my mind was to do the typical CSS Sprites but this requires CSS work which my client did not know much of. I wanted to give him the acce
Need a Website? Consequat te olim letalis premo ad hos olim odio olim indoles ut venio iusto. Euismod, sagaciter diam neque antehabeo blandit, jumentum transverbero luptatum. Lenis vel diam praemitto molior facilisi facilisi suscipere abico, ludus, at. Wisi suscipere nisl ad capto comis esse, autem genitus. Feugiat immitto ullamcorper hos luptatum gilvus eum. Delenit patria nunc os pneum acsi null
Please note: This tutorial requires basic knowledge of CSS and jQuery. For best results, please be sure to learn the proper foundations before attempting to take this tutorial. Learn one step at a time :-) When designed and implemented with usability in mind, the accordion can be incredibly useful when organizing a good chunk of content. Since a lot of people found my toggle tutorial useful, I wou
Please note: This tutorial requires intermediate knowledge of CSS and jQuery. For best results, please be sure to learn the proper foundations before attempting to take this tutorial. Learn one step at a time :-) There are many elegant and easy to install modal window (Popup) plugins out there, but there are times where the script interferes with some of the logic processed on the page. I recently
With the release of the iPad and its lack of support for flash, it has stirred up a lot of debates regarding the future of flash. With this in mind, I believe it is wise to build simple widgets like the image slider using HTML/CSS/Javascript, and leave more interactive applications for flash if needed. The html based image slider will have its benefits with SEO and will also degrade gracefully for
The popularity of social media has been booming in the past few years and Facebook definitely has climbed high to the top of the social network rankings. Facebook has many Ajax driven features and applications that are very impressive, and one of the things I particularly like is the footer admin panel, where it neatly organizes frequently used links and applications. This week I would like to cov
While in the process of redesigning 4wheelparts.com, I decided to explore new methods of working with our huge number of inventory and categories. I did some research and noticed a new trend for ecommerce sites in having what they call “mega drop down menus”. According to usability expert Jakob Nielson, mega drop down menus tested to be more efficient for large scale websites. I decided to experim
Recently, I’ve noticed a trend in blog post headings where it sticks out of its base layout. I would like to share this technique for those who would like to give their post headings a new style. One tip to keep in mind when designing this is to make sure it fits your target audience screen resolution size. Note that this technique may vary depending on your design. My goal is for you to grasp the
A few months ago, James Padolsey introduced a cool greyscale technique for non-IE browsers. His technique inspired me to come up with a workaround with a similar effect. My solution relies on CSS Sprites and a few lines of jQuery, but requires a bit of preparation before it can be implemented. It is not recommended for large scale projects and probably best for displaying portfolio pieces. View De
I am sure you have been on a website where the navigation has an “active” state, basically showing you which page you are currently on. Take a look at my top navigation, you should see that the “Blog” link is in its active state. This technique is what you will be learning today. Take a look at the demo below to get a preview of what you will be creating. Also if you would like to download the PSD
As I was checking out some flash sites for inspiration, I ran across a couple websites that had some nice navigation effects. I’m not a huge fan of wildly animated navs, but these had simple and elegant roll over effects that I liked. I decided to imitate the effect with CSS and jQuery, and would like to share this technique today. View Demo Step 1. Wireframe – HTML This part is very simple. Your
This is the second part to my previous article “CSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 1“, if you haven’t checked it out yet now is a good time. In part one, I went over general tips and reminders, in this article I would like to go over more of the technical aspects of CSS. 1. DO use Class/IDs Appropriately (Don’t whore your Class/IDs!) Beginners typically have the tendency to create a new class or I
Not too long ago I wrote a tutorial on how to create a drop down menu with CSS & jQuery, today I would like to go over how to create a simple navigation with a horizontal subnav. In most cases we can achieve this effect purely with CSS, but since we have to attend to our red headed step child aka IE6, we will use a few lines of jQuery to cover all grounds. View Demo Wireframe - HTML Nest a set of
Gallery www.DesignBombs.com Saw polecat than took bankrupt good hillbilly stew, crazy, fancy and hillbilly heap rodeo, pappy. Thar range saw me him sherrif nothin' shiney dirt, pigs sheep city-slickers everlastin' shotgun driveway. Promenade catfight fart fiddle jiggly gonna tarnation, fence, what quarrel dirty, if. Pot grandma crop kinfolk jezebel diesel coonskin hoosegow wirey fixin' shack good
I know there are quite a few tutorials out there that demonstrate how to create tabs with CSS & jQuery, but I decided to create my own as well. I’m not sure if the techniques are the same, but hopefully this tutorial will be easy to understand even for a beginner. For those who are not familiar with jQuery, check out their site for a general overview, and you can also follow up with the various tu
Slowing Down 04/10/09 Autem conventio nimis quis ad, nisl secundum sed, facilisi, vicis augue regula, ratis, autem. Neo nostrud letatio aliquam validus eum quadrum, volutpat et. Artwork By Glenn Jones Slowing Down 04/10/09 Autem conventio nimis quis ad, nisl secundum sed, facilisi, vicis augue regula, ratis, autem. Neo nostrud letatio aliquam validus eum quadrum, volutpat et. Artwork By Glenn Jon
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