I'm Andrew. I'm an engineer living in San Francisco. I write occasionally. This is part 2 of a series taking an in-depth look at how the internals of Rails handle requests and produce responses - you can read part 1 here. Last time we took a brief look at how Unicorn workers accept clients from a shared socket and call our Rails application, and how requests bubble down through the middleware stac
I'm Andrew. I'm an engineer living in San Francisco. I write occasionally. I’ve been developing Rails applications for personal and work projects for several years now, and I recently realized that my understanding of the Rails internals was relatively limited. I’m totally comfortable wiring up routes and controllers and working with all of the MVC goodness that comes with Rails, but I didn’t real
I'm Andrew. I'm an engineer living in San Francisco. I write occasionally. This is part 3 of a series taking an in-depth look at how the internals of Rails handle requests and produce responses - be sure to catch up on previous parts! Part 1 - Introduction + Unicorn Part 2 - Routing Last time we focused on how requests are routed to controller actions through Journey and the ActionDispatch stack.