I am trying to learn concurrent programming in C++11. I tried to write code for a classic producer consumer concurrency problem. Would you please review and make any comments about it? #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <deque> #include <mutex> #include <chrono> #include <condition_variable> using std::deque; std::mutex mu,cout_mu; std::condition_variable cond; class Buffer { public: v
For a while I have been interested in seeing if some tasks work well when split across multiple threads. On the one project I have been busy with I have been creating a lot of small utility apps, to do single tasks for me, so this morning while modifying one I thought I would give it a try. What I wrote seems to work, although I am not sure if it is the best way, or recommended way to do something
I need to write a function that "packs" an array of bytes (integers between 0 and 255) into a string. I also need to be able to perform the reverse operation, to get my byte array from the string that it was packed into. This needs to be done as fast as possible. Seeing as JavaScript has 16-bit strings, I packed two bytes per character. Here is my code and tests: function pack(bytes) { var str = "
I installed settingslogic and in the configuration file I put the regex for the email as follows: #config/settings.yml defaults: &defaults email_regex: /^([\w\.%\+\-]+)@([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})$/i development: <<: *defaults # neat_setting: 800 test: <<: *defaults production: <<: *defaults That I load in devise configuration in this way: #config/initializers/devise.rb # Regex to use to validate the e
FileBro is a basic GUI based File Browser. FileBro Functionality Directory tree - shows the file system roots at start-up, but is otherwise built lazily as the user browses around the file system. FileBro displays a progress bar as it is loading new entries. The file list (a table) displays a list of the directories and files in the current directory tree selection. Sort by clicking on the column
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