The ability to use CircleCI’s Docker executor on ARM instances. Usage: version: 2.1 jobs: arm_example: docker: - image: cimg/base:2023.06 resource_class: arm.medium steps: - run: echo "hello, world" Remote Docker: version: 2.1 jobs: build: docker: - image: cimg/base:2023.06 resource_class: arm.medium steps: - setup_remote_docker Supported Resource Classes & Prices Non-Remote Docker ARM: arm.medium
Yesterday evening, we became aware of a phishing attempt for customers’ CircleCI and GitHub credentials. We have no reason to believe your organization has been specifically targeted or that your account has been compromised, but want our customers to be aware that there is an ongoing phishing attempt and to exercise due caution. This is an example of the email impersonating CircleCI in an attempt
Hello everyone! I’m happy to announce that version 3.1 of the AWS CLI Orb has been released as of April 21st, 2022. This latest version takes advantage of CircleCI’s OIDC Token that’s available by default in every context provided in each job. It enables users to generate a short-lived AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN that’s only valid for 60 minutes by default. These
In 2020 CircleCI introduced the next generation (next-gen) of convenience images. These new images are designed to replace the legacy convenience images that were released during the announcement of CircleCI 2.0. The next-gen CircleCI convenience images are designed from the ground up for a CI/CD environment. They are designed to be faster, more efficient, and most importantly, more reliable. You
Your pipelines are no longer limited to running workflows defined in the config file committed to your VCS repo. Through the use of Setup Workflows and a setup config you can dynamically generate a config file at run time to run workflows in a pipeline. To do this you start by creating a setup config. Enable Setup Workflows in Project Advanced Settings You can enable Setup Workflows on your projec
CircleCIとしてもDocker社との協議等含め、影響の有無や影響範囲等、公式なドキュメントは取りまとめを進めていますが、現在の状況等、(公式扱いではなく)速報として、こちらのスレッドで説明させていただいております。 10/23日本語訳追加 Docker Hubのレート制限に関するFAQ 10/23追加 CircleCIからの匿名イメージプル、Docker社とのパートナーシップにより当座は制限の対象外 (なお、アカウントの中で言語を設定し、ログインした状態で地球儀アイコンをクリックすると、機械翻訳された投稿を見ることができます) また、FAQはこちらになります。 英語: https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050623311-Docker-Hub-rate-limiting-FAQ 日本語: https://support
CircleCIを活用いただいている開発者の皆様が、ブログやQiitaにさまざまな「やってみた」記事を公開していただいています(ありがとうございます!)。 一方で、実際にどのようなシステム・サービスを構築していて、その中ではどんなフレームワークが使用されているのか、どういったプロセスで開発やテスト、デプロイが行われているかといった、まとまったボリュームの情報を同人誌という形でも公開いただき、技術書典(@techbookfest)などのイベントや期間限定のオンラインマーケット(技術書典 :技術書のオンラインマーケット開催中 )、BOOTH(BOOTH - 創作物の総合マーケット )やKindleといったプラットフォームで販売いただいています(重ねてありがとうございます)。 こちらでは、CircleCIを取り上げていただいている書籍(紙書籍、電子書籍)のうち、 技術書典にて販売されたものやBO
CircleCI 2.0 will be switching file systems on Monday, December 11, 2017 from AUFS to BTRFS. After extensively testing performance we have found that any projects using heavy I/O operations should see a performance improvement without any action required. The underlying CPU is not changing and therefore your cache will not be impacted. We do not expect any projects to be negatively impacted by thi
I used to do this in Circle v1: environment: PATH: "${PATH}:${HOME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/node_modules/.bin" But when I do the same thing on Circle v2, it doesn’t seem to interpolate the ${PATH} stuff. So when I echo $PATH it actually starts with the string “${PATH}”.
Hello. We’ve just set up a pretty vanilla Rails 5/postgres Rspec project in Circle. We experienced this issue where with this run command (This was taken verbatim from the suggested version shown when I created the project): *EDIT: I previously pasted the wrong thing here. - run: name: run tests command: | mkdir /tmp/test-results TEST_FILES="$(circleci tests glob "spec/**/*_spec.rb" | circleci tes
Is this syntax valid anymore? I can find NO documentation on it… I am using it and it works… is this an undocumented feature??? … it’s a way to share configuration across multiple jobs… is this still valid? Is this deprecated?? Is there an alternative? I like to keep the config DRY! defaults: &defaults working_directory: ~/project docker: - image: python:3.6.1 version: 2 jobs: build: <<: *defaults
Hello everyone! I’m Emily Cook, the Sr. Community Program Manager at CircleCI, and I’m glad to see you here! This forum is a place for conversations and questions. You can leave product feedback, ask for help, or start …
UPDATE: We are actively working on adding support for CircleCI 2.0 for macOS. Please reach out to beta+macos@circleci.com to get added to our early access list. This is a feature request for CircleCI 2.0 to support OS X/macOS and iOS builds. Please this post (instead of replying with a +1) to show your support/need of this feature. macOS support for CircleCI 2.0 is coming and is in the works. I do
In preparation for supporting more architecture types, we’ve introduced a new cache template key {{ arch }}. This is documented here: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/caching/#using-keys-and-templates This is useful if you rely on cached binary dependencies that you’ve compiled as part of the build process. Such dependencies can have specific optimizations based on the CPU architecture they were comp
I’m trying to migrate one of my builds to 2.0. The build has a clone step of an external (and private) repository that contains some infra code for the build to execute. Original circle.yml is working just fine: dependencies: pre: - git clone git@github.com:OrgName/Repo.git ~/RepoLocation In the new config.yml, I tried to do the same: … steps: - run: name: Download HSConfiguration command: git clo
CircleCI 1.0 customers have found it useful to debug failed builds and investigate problems by using SSH access. We have enabled SSH access functionality for builds running on our 2.0 platform. You can now Rebuild with SSH on 2.0. To debug a build that has already finished, you can click on Rebuild with SSH option from the dropdown as shown below. To see the connection details, expand the ‘Enable
We have designed CircleCI 2.0 to provide faster build performance and give users greater control over their environments. Users have full control over their customized build environments and do not have to worry about their build environments being updated without their knowledge or becoming out of date. We utilize the power of Docker to provide our users the flexibility of creating customized env
Hi guys, After migrating to Xcode 8.3 we get a build error when executing test. We are using fastlane to execute the test with the following config: test: override: - bundle exec fastlane test The tests are executed successfully: [13:17:15]: ▸ Test Succeeded +--------------------+-----+ | Test Results | +--------------------+-----+ | Number of tests | 152 | | Number of failures | 0 | +------------
I’ve had to push a number of builds to get a working 2.0 config on different projects. This trick has helped me to iterate faster. curl --user ${CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN}: \ --request POST \ --form config=@.circleci/config.yml \ --form notify=false \ https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/circleci/discourse/tree/master This assumes: CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN is available locally, and the CircleCI user as
Update: Current Documentation for 2.0 is available here: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/ CircleCI 2.0 Deployments This doc assumes that you have already read the overview and configuring docs for CircleCI 2.0. Deployments in CircleCI 2.0 are now considered “special steps” instead of stages. One common pattern you might use is grouping deploy steps with the same environment in a deployment stage. Fo
Documentation for this topic is now available on our documentation site: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/ and https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/project-walkthrough/
For reference, for PhantomJS 2.0, CircleCI provided a dynamically-linked build hosted on AWS: For now, using the official release PhantomJS 2.1.1 static build seems to work just fine.
CircleCI tries to cache artifacts. For that, it also caches the .gradle directory (see https://circleci.com/docs/how-cache-works). The issue with the current setup is that the cache is saved before gradle test runs. Thus, any dependencies fetched by gradle are not cached. Why is the caching not run after the build? In other words: Why comes the “database” phase before the “test” phase? I know that
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